No way they're gonna fit all those in 2nd quarter. I'm sure it's 2nd quarter until 3rd quarter
Posts by annejunie
Ok this discourse is dumb and messy
Bc it's not their real cb. It's just sorta like a re-package of their albums. And I'm sure most of their already bought most of their albums
Not at all
Is nayeon the most bullied member by kpop stans?
I like her
Don't ever name your pet after an idol ever. Your pet deserves his/her own Identity
It's hard to say bc it's like comparing apples and oranges.
BoA was at her peak around the early 2000s. When she was very very young before turning 20. And she also spent most of her time in Japan building up her career there. She was a household name both in Japan and Korea.
Different eras, different factors, different places/countries, different systems/measures....her era was basically at a time when internet wasn't as widely used as it is nowadays, no digital streaming platform, no social media, etc. YT may have already existed but during her time there wasn't like an official SM/BoA account, no Vevo yet, and the system of streaming mvs didn't exist yet/nobody cared abt streaming mvs on YT at the time and such... I guess you can only look at her physical sales record during her peak to compare.
Tho the problem with her career was that she debuted when she was too young and had her peak before she reached 20-25 yrs old. Somehow she didn't managed to maintain her glory as she grew older into adulthood and had problem adapting in current era. So basically her schtick is that she was this young talented kid in singing and dancing but as she grew older her popularity faded. SM was partly to blame cause they marketed her as such plus made her spend most her time in Japan thus she lost some of her popularity with the gp in Korea.
Despite that I think she's still doing pretty well, still relevant among the gp. If you ask random Koreans and Japanese, "Do you know BoA?" Chances are most of them know who she is. She may not sell as much physicals as she used to during her peak but she's still able to chart decently and would have no problems getting tv gigs. Plus she's an executive producer in sm, so she's rich and living a peaceful and comfortable life.
They're bad bc of their mistreatment and mismanagement towards their acts (artists/groups/idols):
1)The neglect and underpromotion as their acts become seniors. (I don't think I need to elaborate on this cause every fandom under SM knew cases of their faves at some point getting this treatment). SM only push and promote new and young acts for while before abandoning them as they get older/become seniors. e.g. Short promotion cycle or no promotion at all.
2)Slave contracts that resulted in lawsuits started by JYJ which revealed SM made them sign 10-15yrs(I don't remember the exact number, I can only give a range) contract which is inhumane. It was also revealed that Yoona and Taemin originally had their contracts signed up to around 13-15 yrs if I'm not mistaken while their group members had 10 yrs. Korea Fair Trade Commission ordered SM to change the contract terms and reduce the contract length to 7 years. This shows how SM already broke the law early on, exploited and took advantage of these kids by signing them up when they're young and naive and then groom them up to become stars that make money for them by milking and overworking them like slaves with the long contracts to keep them in the company as long as they can.
3) Overworking their acts to the core to the point of injuries(life-threatening injuries) sacrificing sleep/rest and health.
4) Discrimination towards foreign idols.
5) Gaslighting/Guilt-tripping their idols.
Am I the only one who thought they're gonna be fine? Mamamoo itself is a popular name, the gp knows them and their songs. They're like among the top 5-10% successful Kpop ggs in the industry. Also, they're the most talented gg when it comes to vocals. Just one underperformed release isn't gonna make RBW disband them. They have a rep among the gp. Unless the members themselves decided to disband or if their star member, Hwasa, decided to leave the company/the group hence putting a pressure on the group's future. But let's say if Hwasa leave RBW but still want to continue as a Mamamoo member under different company, they can probably make it happen and have cbs tho the chance of that is small depending on RBW.
Also FYI, the new hoobae gg is Purple Kiss, not Secret should get that fact right at least before making this thread.
QuoteIt's difficult to undestend whut went wrong considering they were on an upward spiral since queendom
Bcos of Aya, that song was underwhelming. I think they did well with Dingga.
Wow he looks amazing