Posts by r120
Sounds pretty solid to me. I'm not a vocal coach but I think this is the general consensus.
For overall however, I would put aespa above Red Velvet, that's my hot take :)
Edit: Actually idk we don't have enough live content for aespa and I DO prefer Red Velvet's harmonies but that doesn't really play into their technique.
I also think aespa on average might be vocally better than red velvet but since there’s not enough content yet I just put them on par with red velvet for now. We’ll see when more time passes.
This is based on my opinion and observation. You can agree or disagree. It’s all in good fun. (Side note: i know they’re good vocalists but I don’t know enough of ses and csjh members’ vocals to rank them so they’re not included)
SNSD Tae>Jess=Seo>Tiff>Sunny>Soo>Yuri>Hyo>Yoona
I tried to rank them altogether but it got hard and convoluted towards the middle and end so I kind of gave up. Aespa are rookies and don’t have enough material but they have potential to improve with more experience. So here’s my attempt at ranking them all.
Group vocal ranking
snsd>aespa=red velvet>fx
What do you think? What’s your vocal ranking with all of them?
What are some idols you’ve followed or noticed have changed in character overtime? What are some of the reasons? Did they change for the better or worse?
I think if they were to add new members now will be the time, adding anymore members after this CB is just setting aespa up for failure since the next time aespa will maybe have a CB is November or next year and honestly at that point it will be too ridiculous to add new members our fandom is already getting bigger by the day and the girls all have dedicated fan sites and bars the new member will be at such a big disadvantage plus I don't think SM will release 3 5 member GGs in a row and doubt they'll add 3 whole new girls basically throwing them to the wolves tbh..
At least before they debut there were rumors of new members being added later, so fans won’t be so surprised new members could be added because the idea of it being possible is ingrained. I don’t think it will set them up for failure. With the new members it could be a disadvantage in the beginning but when I think of nct’s concept and the addition of new members, I think the new members will be able to catch up with the current members after some time has passed as long as sm play their cards right. Their universe is huge so anything could happen. Right now I think it’s best to keep an open mind.
Since there’s a storyline to Aespa’s concept, I think the singles they’ve been putting out are the prologue to their story. Black mamba sets the plot and forever probably depicts what happened before black mamba came and destroyed the connection between the members and ai. It hasn’t been reported they’ll be coming back with a mini album for this upcoming comeback so I think next level is a single that is a part of their prologue.
Also there’s no news of new members for this comeback, but I still think there’s a possibility of new members. With the universe sm created, its ever expanding. Next level will probably showcase the aftermath of black mamba. Based on the teaser pics, it looks like they’ll infiltrate the virtual universe and try to fight back for the connection of their ai and fail. But then in the next comeback, the new members could come along and help them.
What are some of your thoughts?
- innovative with concepts and music
- training system may be strict but results are great bc all their artists are talented (I think tvxq said something about how talent can be created through hard work or something when talking about the system)
- longevity - most of their artists renew and once their groups have past their peak they at least have a career in music, film, drama, variety etc.
Neutral (good/bad):
- Creativity in music - sm restricts some of their creativity when it applies to their groups music but not really their solos bc SM has certain standards when it comes to music. If their artists exceeds their standards when creating music, they’ll permit it to be released, but if not then they reject them.
- freedom - they have to ask sm permission before accepting/doing certain jobs they want to do but this applies to other companies as well. Sometimes they’ll ask their artists what they want to do but that’s only if they been working in the industry for awhile
- management - it can be a hit or miss but overall it’s bad. IMO their marketing could use more improvement. I wish they could communicate more with fans’ concerns regarding scandals, saesangs etc. They don’t normally announce what’s happening behind the scenes to alleviate fans’ feelings so the fans are left to assume whatever which makes it worse. There has been some improvement within the last year but consistency is key.
In my earlier kpop fan years I would get offended bc people were hating on my favs and they think insulting them with their “plastic” appearances would bring them down bc they were popular. But then over the years I became immune to it bc whether they surgically enhanced their appearance or not doesn’t change how talented they are and how much I like them. Now whenever someone uses that as an insult to my favs or other groups I’m mostly indifferent. I don’t care as long as they’re happy and were not forced to do it. Anyways I hope people realize its possible for any kpop celebrity to be “plastic” in an industry based on visuals. And people should refrain from using it as an insult bc it’s like another form of body shaming.
There will most likely be at least one comeback before their contract expires. I think sm is waiting for feedback from irene’s movie and giving more time for Wendy to recover. In the meantime, the members probably want to expand their individual careers or finally take a break to relax from a stressful industry after being in it for so many years.
Fx Victoria is still signed with SM under different terms that is not the same as her old contract. If you go to SM’s website she’s under their actor page. Since sm gave her own studio in China to manage her own activities while she was working full time over there like Lay and Zhoumi when China-Korea political issues were on the rise, they probably negotiated a contract that would be beneficial for both parties after her 2nd contract renewal expired. I think Victoria’s studio is a subsidiary under sm. So her main management company now is under Victoria Studio and not sm.