after the revamp a lot of new users found their place, i think a lot of old users probably havent noticed the new forum yet
Posts by 8kyung
but good for her if shes having a solo
It would have to be an elaborate af ad to warrant bringing 21+ pairs of shoes, a limousine, multiple racks of clothing and bags upon bags of jewelry.
Plus the person that posted the pics literally said it was a music video, with Rosie and you could "feel how popular the artist is based on how big the set was".
so the post originally states that they are curious about what rosie is filming "어떤 작품이 탄생할지 너무 궁금하다" literally means "i wonder what kind of work she will be doing" they dont state that they know what shes filming or doing in the post other than saying what type of trucks of supports they brought her, also theres a lot of outfit changes so they might see what type of stuff she will wear and have a prerecording of some sort because most of the time, if it was a music video they would already have outfits for her
ur korean is really good and i love ur pronunciation!! its really good for a foreigner!! and HOLY UR VOICE im in love
im a big critic hope u appreciate that i note these things and i hope it doesn't hurt ur feelings because ur a really good singer
i would pronounce ㄱ g more softer
geulsseong should be more forward sounding geulsseong ㅡ 글썽, in 눈물이 글썽여요
and 그댄 내마음 모르죠
u pronounce 죠 like chyo and if you make that a bit softer and say it more like jyo it would sound so much better and ur singing would be so much in flow w/ the lyrics u should definitely practice ur Korean and u would sound just like a native speaker because i hear that ur really good! -
i remember moon gayoung from exo next door jesus oh god i havents een her in a long time
Hi Hyoeulgi!
I was has just finished having lunch when that happened ; - ;
god im sos orry to hear that i would have not eaten in days after seeing that
i think its her own choice to make a youtube channel, she probably spoke to the head people and asked if she was allowed and she got permission to do so, same with taeyeon..she has her own channel and got permission from SM to do so, the other members got theirs when they left SM
you cant force someone to make a youtube channel if they dont want to, they can make one if they want to and will if the time comes, i think jennie just wanted one so let her have one
most idols get food trucks and stuff with their face sent to them anyways, could be anything like a shooting for an commercial, ad, youtube video
of what
cause people get their hopes up for random tweets like this, clowning themselves
okay im so slow i got it now and yes...i agree 100% honestly i feel like u could tell twitter users that x and x are having a baby and people would make a whole story and everyone would believe it, it happens like everywhere on twitter
This is why we have the clown emoji
Mr. Sunshine is a very good drama, recommend if you like well made, historical, love story but a good tale thats a twist on actual korean history, also good looking actors and good storyline!
the whole drama is so good...will never forget it
still scarred after that one time someone (TW) posted different pictures of cut up arms
note: they were a guest but made a new user and sent people dms of the pictures as well on their thread
Oh yes. The 'war' between Taekook and Jikook is unsufferable. People are seriously taking it way too seriously for a ship war about two non-existing couples.
wtf thats actually creepy i heard of the whole jikook thing but honestly doesnt like the members see that stuff they use social media a lot and most of their interaction is based upon that now so it would be hard not people saying "NOW KISS JIKOOK" etc on livestreaming and tweet responses etc
Shipping is very important for the transportation of goods.
Historically it was one of the most important ways for a trader to profit by shipping goods from afar.
Today it gives rise to Ecommerce and the rise of companies such as Amazon.
Shipping is so important there are international laws in place for open and free travel across certain waters.
(oh dang you meant a different shipping
hilarious my ass cracked while reading this