i want puffy skirts
Posts by li-ghter
It means spirit
luckily for my old anime watching times i know its meaning hehe
shame i cant see the lyrics tho rip T^T maybe its an issue with me
Pretty Savage 7,5
i object, 10
I think is pretty clear that NCT's music direction was far from the GP since the start though, they always went for the fandom route, but I kind of understand these knets are coming from an era where charting for idol groups was far more important and indicated how successfull the group was, but things have changed.
i mean yeah, but thats not GP expected i guess, you saw with Aespa, saw how much they complained about lack of SNSD. I think its related to company however, since they are from SM and getting supported by them, when people dont see immense success, people think they are unsuccessful. I even saw users who think TBZ is more successful and has bigger fandom, which i wildly disagree even if TBZ is growing quite fastly
should have known hehe you DO have a habit
i respect i can never have multiple biases i barely handle one
i wouldnt know thats what they said T^T i guess TV appearances, maybe they saw something we didnt, i barely watch korean variety other than immortal songs o.o
not really, if they had a huge hit, things might be different, Ikon at their debut, got alot of support because of it for example (giving them as example since they are big3 group)
with nct, they were pushed too much without hit, it didnt help taeyong's issue happened too. Even now, most positive reactions are towards Mark and Jaehyun
i would piss myself
lmaooo you are never getting another logo catmouse lol