Mega Stuf Oreos.
Posts by bethesda
nope ill say gn when i am lololol
Lol. What's your favorite snack? Oreos, Cheetos, or what?
LOL, his French ancestry is not why he loves French art. I have French ancestry, it does not make me love French art. He loves French art because he finds it aesthetically pleasing.
Oh I thought you were sleeping XD.
Yup, we are all inter related! Still, some populations show closer genetic commonalities than others - this is what ancestry DNA is based upon. Race itself though is a very much human defined. This is really just genetic drift
I have 22% French ancestry according to that DNA test, maybe that's why my father loves French art. Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son by Claude Monet is in my household right now.
I don't understand
I don't believe you.
in the merry guild we have lots of fun too!
I think it's more fun in the forums than in a guild.
Why instead of ?
It took me a sec to realized who Hori was
Pepe went to go eat pizza
idk if its just me being a complete introvert but i'd rather vote than do jury duty
I'd do jury duty if I had to. I vote.
nope hori doesn't know
I can ask Ves if hori doesn't know.
If you are part indigenous american, then you actually do have far asian ancestry as the native peoples in the americas came from Asia across the Bering Strait. Of course we are all inter-related, but the indigenous americans and present day inhabitants of the Asia in countries like China have a higher frequency of genetic traits that point to these peoples being more closely related than other populations. These include hair shaft thickness and even the shape of their incisors. You can plainly see it as well when comparing phenotypical norms honestly.
Yes I understand I am a nerd in more ways than one and love human paleontology.
Idk what to say about you except you're a genius.
russianvelvet Do you know why Pepe got out of MK3AM 's bed?
Imagine if he responds XD.
you should come hang out with us in the blink guild! :)
I prefer hanging out here in the forums. It's too fun.