This is called allkpop why the f wouldn't I talk about kpop rappers.
If I wanna talk about them sucking which most do...then that's what I'm gonna do. Im glad you not listening to kpop for the rap because if you were you'd be severely disappointed lmao.
Idk you and some others be talking about this since days. I wonder what triggered that.
But Kpop isn’t the place to search for good Rappers, many Rappers are really good, but within their own popish Songs they can’t really showcase it until they release a mix-tape or go solo. So I just think this debate is kinda ridiculous in Kpop just like debating over vocalists etc. Its pop music, you don’t need the best of the best for it.
If you want a fair debate about it, go for K-Rappers in general, which can be discussed in a Forum about Korean music.