Display More+ during the first verse of Karina in savage you can her breath
the pronunciation of dirty in winter pre-chorus is different from their previous live performance
then at the start of ningning her voice is deeper than it is usually maybe because of her cold
at 7:49 Ningning adlib was louder than usually, that you could almost not heard winter voice compare to usually when they do it
+ it's on dingo music, and dingo music only accept live performance
you can also ad this in pre-recorded vocals. Its nothing special. The amount of work that is done on the vocals is a lot. So even when it was live (when it wasnt), there has been so much work done on the vocals, i wouldn't even it be considered live. Y'all do insane mental gymnastics to make yourself believe that this is live. I'm a huge SM stan, but im not gonna lie to myself and say that they sing live when they clearly aren't.