Not the Vernon Dursley reaction gif 😭
Posts by chounim
jennie always eats
Cooking and eating simultaneously
If I understood it correctly and if the allegations are true, this man groomed and used her as a child and then threw her away the moment she became an adult and at her lowest moment too. What remains to be seen is whether the debt he forced onto her had any bearing on her decision to end her life.
The fact her family is exposing him now means they know the "relationship" was wrong, creepy and criminal even. And yet, they allowed it to happen for 6 years without interfering or trying to help the child out. I think they're only acting out now in retaliation because they were robbed off their bread winner. This is such a heart wrenchingly sad situation. Just how much did this girl suffer and endure, and even in death she is still not allowed to rest in peace and I doubt it's because her relatives are seeking out justice for her, she's still being used.
Imagine using Heechul (or any Super Junior member) as a positive example of anything.
You can snicker about it all you want, yet it's an incident that did actually happen and it proves that idols can very much call out their fans for abusive behaviour, without it harming their careers and popularity
They could even go as far as to say they hate that behaviour and they hate the people doing that and don't want them as fans.
There was an incident more than 15 years ago where Heechul said those exact same words to his fans for attacking Boa (if I recall correctly) and contrary to fans' common claims, it did not harm his image or popularity, and he was at the height of his peak at the time. So it's actually possible for idols to speak up against their own fans, especially to call out a behaviour that's universally recognised as toxic and wrong, no one fan fault them for it, not even their own fans.
If you're not willing to stand up to the very demographic you have the most influence on, and try to stop THEIR violence against women, who most of the time are your colleagues and friends even, then it's borderline offensive to be praised and rewarded for allegedly being a positive influence. This is taking advantage of women's suffering to hype up an already successful, privileged and rich man.
It always irks me when men get awarded for women's struggles, especially celebrities because you know most of the time it's a man doing literally the bare minimum or nothing at all. The bar is in hell, why exactly should we as women be expected to feel grateful to men for having BASIC decency? That should be the default setting and it does nothing to minimise misogyny, violence against women and femicide. It's like praising someone for simply existing.
I remember someone in this forum made a thread likening their concept to prostitution (and it was allowed to go on for several pages). I have been into / known about kpop for 15 years and I've never ever seen any group get so much hatred and vitriol before and at debut like Aespa did.
About lsf
QuoteConsidering their upcoming performances, finding a clear way to overcome any controversies regarding live singing is essential.
Did they consider..... VOCAL LESSONS?
this is actually pissing me off. How can the company and the idols themselves be aware of the issue but not pursue the most obvious, most logical and direct solution? I'm no expert but even I can tell that making the idols cry about it in a documentary won't solve the problem. Nothing will solve the problem except for the idols actually showing improvement.
At least I hope that they're indeed getting vocal lessons behind the scenes and we're just not aware of it. Otherwise the fact that they're actually knowledgeable about the exact problem and thinking about solutions but not considering the most obvious one is appalling.
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I guess they are taking a page from YG's book. YG used to do that a lot. I remember them pairing up 2NE1 against SNSD in 2014 (Comeback Home vs Mr Mr), it reached the point where even when SM posponed SNSD's comeback, YG postponed 2NE1's too to make sure they'll still overlap lol. they also pulled the same trick the next year with Big Bang's Made vs EXO. it doesn't matter which group was more popular or successful but from YG's perspectiven pitting his top groups against SM top groups sparked fans' competitiveness which made them work harder to outdo the other fandom, not to mention the competition's effect on media and the general public.
the mere suggestion that, say, illit or any other new gg was "going against" Aespa will get people's attention and curiosity, which will make people check them out and increase the chance of new fans liking them and buying their music. it is a time old practice to make your groups come back around the same time as the most popular artists, to maximise attention by proxy. just the mere fact a top group ir performing in a music show potentially increases the viewership of the show
If you want to be angry with me, at least be angry for the things I have said and not make thing up. You are way smarter than that and I know it well.
All I said is that I found it entertaining and funny. And I didn't stop anyone from saying whatever they want. But I got angry quotes about it as if I prohibited anyone from saying what they wanted. Even this is funny if you think about it.
If there's someone not standing others express themselves, it's not me.
Because it's dismissive and condescending, not to mention the implied hypocrisy of the people reacting negatively to this issue. The reactions would be the same, were it any other kpop company, but I highly doubt that then you'd be here talking about how hilarious it's that people would "show outrage".
And for the 2nd time I tell you the difference is this time, for the first time ever, there's actual evidence. So there's no room for debate whether fans are overreacting and making up conspiracy theories. Armys cried about that shit for for nearly an entire decade but you can't stand seeing people be indignant for 2 days over the knowledge that their faves were trashed AND sabotaged by hybe. They should just shut up and move on because YOU don't think this is new or unique enough?
As for the rest of the whataboutism, there's absolutely nothing shocking or hypocritical about people being interested in a CURRENT scandal that's literally still ongoing as we speak.