JIM JORDAN = STAR (?) ; SAVE ME !!! (Somebody) ; USA HOUSE of Reps. (Speaker) ; 2023.10.09


    youtube.com/everybody+star = JIM JORDAN (?) ...

    youtube.com/save+me ... SAVE ME (!!!) ...

    archive.today/RX12z = TRUMP -->

    "JORDAN has been a *STAR* ... " <-- :woow:
    *** Begin TRUMP Quote ***

    Then early Friday, former President Donald J. TRUMP, whose far-right acolytes in (USA) Congress (so Mr. GAETZ) helped lead the rebellion that has plunged the House into chaos, weighed in ... “Congressman Jim JORDAN has been a *STAR* long before making his very successful journey to Washington, D.C.,” ... Mr. Trump wrote

    in a 'Truth Social' message that was posted at 12:13 a.m. on Friday ... “He will be

    a GREAT 'Speaker of the House (Leader)' , & has my Complete & Total Endorsement!”
    *** End TRUMP Quote ***

    (Click)==> Scalise and *JORDAN* on Health Care (Issues) ; 2023.10.04

    Edited 21 times, last by krell ().

  • Yes Jordon is a good choice for Speaker of the House. Compared to previous GOP Speakers of the House. He is more aggressive on the issues. His is consistent with fairness concerns.

    I do wonder why the Dems sided with Gaetz in ousting McCarthy. Jordon will give them a real challenge. My guess, Dem's knee jerk reaction of doing the opposite of what the GOP does.

    Meanwhile I bought 16 hamburger buns. I am the only one having to eat them. Four left and I'm sick of these things. The Curse of Costco shopping. XD

    Pulled Pork sandwich, Chili Hot Dogs, Hot Pockets(Pizza), Chili Pork, Open Face Pork sandwich. Maybe a Chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato. Two Big Mac and freeze the remaining bun tops to clear a meat grinder.

    .................................................................................................................. :boompepe:

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    Edited once, last by 4NIA4 ().

  • Dems sided with Gaetz in ousting McCarthy ...

    Meanwhile I bought 16 hamburger buns ...

    (As intended humor) -->

    I thought you had chased *BUNS* at BURNING MAN Festival enough ??? ... :wink:

    (Click)==> You Buy *16 BUNS* , WHAT Do You Get ??? ... :watt:

    (As honest answer on McCARTHY) -->

    (1) McCARTHY *visited* Mar-a-Lago on January 27, 2021 , so 20 days

    after the J6 D.C. RIOT took place ... As a show of support for TRUMP.

    (2) McCARTHY tried to *shut down* the 'J6 D.C. RIOT' US HOUSE Investigation Committee ... Which had a couple TTT Party members (Cheney , Kinzinger).

    (3) McCARTHY 'stone walled' issues that DEMs were interested in them.

    (4) McCARTHY offered *NO DEAL* to get DEMs support (at exit) either.

    So , DEMs did *not* like McCARTHY as Speaker that much ...

    As to say JIM JORDAN for DEMs as NEW Speaker , Go Figure ...

    (Click)==> Meet The New Boss (SPEAKER) , *WORSE* Than The Old Boss

    Won't Get Fooled Again ; The WHO ; Year 1978

    Finally , it is a *not* true rumor ...

    that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC , NY) ...

    suggested that McCARTHY should -->

    'Go GAG Yourself with a SPOON !!!' ... :p


    AOC = *Gratitude* Here about TRUMP Tulsa (OK) Rally (Year 2020)

    Wonder IF that DEMs could swallow MATT GAETZ as Speaker ...

    Say HOOK(er) , LINE , and SINKER (Fishing) ???

    Only the US HOUSE *ETHICS* COMMITTEE *knows* for sure !!! ... :suure:

    Edited 13 times, last by krell ().

  • I like how in US politics the absence of a speaker means congress effectively shuts down lol

    ... Yes , I see this as *problematic* ... However , supposedly , there is strong reason to believe that a NEW SPEAKER will be chosen by (Wed.) Oct. 11th date.

    ... Also , the USA HOUSE Reps. will find activities for themselves ... They do not VOTE on USA Laws *all* of their time ... But , it looks 'bad' to me ... My view (again) , it seems as TTT Party should have been able to REMOVE the current SPEAKER *and* VOTE APPROVE the *NEW SPEAKER* to take his place on the *same day* ... They could *already* have narrowed it to Mr. SCALISE or Mr. JORDAN (leading candidates) via *private* meetings ... And even determined just WHICH of them would be the NEW SPEAKER too ... As it stands now , they are *fairly certain* that on Wednesday (next week) , that a NEW SPEAKER will be chosen.

    ... But , will there be any 'snags' in getting it done ??? ... THAT (possible 'snags') , they are really NOT *completely* certain of it ... Which , incidentally , is WHY that (Mr. GAETZ friend + ally) Ms. BOEBERT voted *against* to remove McCARTHY as Speaker ... The *visual* on it , for Ms. BOEBERT , was NOT what she wanted it ... NOT surprisingly (my view).

    Edited 9 times, last by krell ().

  • More Drama in Congress as interim speaker of the house throws a temper tantrum.

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    Love is in the air as Ilham Omar is googling Gaetz. She is wondering about Buns. XD

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    Update on the Buns, four Big Mac Jr.



    Edited 2 times, last by 4NIA4 ().

  • ... Anyway , Mr. SCALISE seems as the preferred choice for

    That TRUMP could legally be elected as USA HOUSE SPEAKER *now* ...
    For me , yet another *FAILURE* of USA Government Procedures ...

    It should be a *current* elected USA HOUSE member as SPEAKER *only* ...

    Is my view of it ...
    ... And , say Mr. SCALISE or Mr. JORDAN should have already been

    VOTED (selected) as SPEAKER on the *same day* as Mr. McCARTHY was removed.
    That it is NOT that way , yet another *FAILURE* of TTT Party (USA House Reps.)
    to *care enough* about USA citizens and doing their jobs properly (my view).

    Edited 4 times, last by krell ().

  • Scalise is solid choice. He is going through Cancer treatments. His recovery would be better served not having extra duties. Back to Jordon being ready to go.

    It is interesting a Private Citizen can be Speaker of the House. Voted in by members of the assembly.

    How it was back before the Jet age. Congress members took weeks just to get to the Office. In comparison today it operates at Hyper speed. XD

  • (Before the Jet age) Congress members took weeks just to get to the Office. In comparison today it operates at Hyper speed. XD

    ... Honestly , my view , it should be RARE that USA CONGRESS members (House and Senate) are *ever required* to be *physically present* at D.C. Capitol to VOTE on ANYTHING ... Let them VOTE via STREAMING VIDEO verification as much as possible ... As in , WHO wants to be *forced* to be in the SAME ROOM with USA House Reps. ('TTT' Party) Mr. GAETZ (FL) or ('Socialist' Party) Ms. 'AOC' (NY) ??? ... When that happens = 'ALL in ONE ROOM' , they should have a USA HOUSE Reps. 'esteemed' *FUMIGATOR* on duty (*visibly* working) ... Walking around and *spraying* 'Special Scent' in order to cover up the *FAILED STENCH* of them standing together ... That is my *honest* view on it.

    ... There is now *enhanced* opportunity to REMOTE VOTE (email) for USA CONGRESS members ... This was *opposed strongly* by the ('Republican') TTT Party for a LONG TIME ... NOW that it exists , one might *wonder* as to WHICH Party (TTT or Socialist) uses REMOTE VOTING option the most ??? ... And the ANSWER is ... (pausing for effect) ... Why of course ... The *TTT Party* votes REMOTELY more often than the (BIDEN 'Democratic') *Socialist Party* ... I am shocked , just SHOCKED !!! ... :wink:

    Returning to the notion of a USA HOUSE of Reps. 'esteemed' FUMIGATOR ... This could be an *honorary* and *paid* job that is performed by PAST MEMBERS of the USA CONGRESS ... (Past USA House Rep. TX) *TOM DELAY* was a BUG EXTERMINATOR in TX , before being a TTT Party HOUSE 'WHIP' ... So , Mr. DELAY should be *good* at SPRAYING MIST (SCENT) into the rarefied air of the USA CONGRESS , right ??? ... :suure:


    TOM DELAY (ex-TTT Party USA House Rep. TX) ; Info

    *Fake News* TOM DELAY on being chosen USA HOUSE Reps. FUMIGATOR -->
    (DELAY imitates 'Dr. Who' TV Show 'DALEK') ... 'EXTERMINATE !!!' ... :woow:

    Edited 12 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “JIM JORDAN = STAR (?) ; SAVE ME !!! (Somebody) ; USA HOUSE of Reps. (Speaker) ; 2023.10.06” to “JIM JORDAN = STAR (?) ; SAVE ME !!! (Somebody) ; USA HOUSE of Reps. (Speaker) ; 2023.10.09”.
  • There must be something requiring Congress to meet in Person to vote. So many instances a single member has the deciding vote and is not present. Extraordinary efforts used to get them to Washington to vote.

    The Vote must be cast in the Chambers in Person. Seen at times the Chambers remain open for Hours so members can vote. Sometimes a vote is delayed until all the members can assemble. If a member is not present their vote is registered as a not present vote. It doesn't hold up legislative process when a member is not present.

    Written or by Tradition voting is done in person.

    Democrats to their credit are most likely to be present for votes. Republicans are not as commuted to be there.

  • The GOP Rebels have Conservative motivations. Why is it so offensive to the majority of GOP in office? I can only guess. Suspect the majority consider the Washington status quo as conservative.

    The Rebels are like a small group of Humans surrounded by Washington Zombies. XD

  • There must be something requiring Congress to meet in Person to vote ... Written or by Tradition voting is done in person.

    Again , there is NO NEED for USA House Reps. to be *physically present* at the D.C. Capitol in order to VOTE via say Video Streaming (Email) and have it verified.

    That they are *sadly* required to 'gather together' in order to VOTE ...

    Is *PROOF* of their *COMPLETE STUPIDITY* and *FAILURE* as 'Leaders.'

    Does (TTT) MATT GAETZ care what (Socialist) 'AOC' says about ANYTHING ???
    And vice versa ??? ... Just send out an EMAIL with their 'Pearls of Wisdom' ...

    (Optional) Print that out on TOILET PAPER and use it as *BUTT WIPES* (my view).

    (As intended amusement about this 'physically present' to VOTE issue) ...

    BILL CLINTON 'lip flapped' on for 2.5 HOURS when he nominated ('great man')
    MICHAEL DUKAKIS for USA PREZ at the (DEM.) Socialist Party Convention ...

    Did one REALLY actually want to *be there* in person ??? ... :woow:

    Never Get CAUGHT DEAD in a ROOM with MATT GAETZ ??? ... :p

    Or NUDE in a ROOM with HUNTER BIDEN ??? ... :suure:

    Edited 7 times, last by krell ().

  • The GOP Rebels have Conservative motivations. Why is it so offensive to the majority of GOP in office? I can only guess.

    IF that TRUMP wins again as USA PREZ in Year 2024 ...
    It will be *in spite* of these individuals , and not because of them (my view) -->

    (1) MATT GAETZ , USA House Rep. FL (TTT Party)

    (2) TOMMY TUBERVILLE , USA Senator AL (TTT Party)

    Perhaps *JIM JORDAN* (USA House Rep. OH , TTT Party) gets added to the list ???


    MATT GAETZ ; Info




    JIM JORDAN ; Info

    Edited 5 times, last by krell ().

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