do you consider yourself a SJW?
SJW would never refer to themselves as SJW tho. See the guy above^
definitely not
woke is the new SJW
The last time I saw someone using this word was in 2017
SJW would never refer to themselves as SJW tho. See the guy above^
Yeah and he described you so well
I think nowadays it's mostly used by right wingers that call people snowflakes for finding their bigotry offensive even though they throw fits if they see a minority being represented in media
Keep them away
...The abbreviation for Sacajawea!!
Not really.
I personally don't like throwing "SJW" around needlessly because I feel it's a disservice to people who actually fought (or fight) for actual social justice. But at the same time, I won't wince if someone else says it
I never did. I have too many of my own problems to care about all that lol I agree with certain issues, but people getting offended over things that are really non-issues really must be bored with their lives.
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