As an NCTzen, it's impossible to not become the Joker with the amount of bullshit one has to read about NCT from all sides, can people token stan a bg with "better music" and leave NCT alone already? If they are such flops why have them always on your mouth? We get it, their music sucks, the fans only stan for visuals, their sales are fake, they are inorganic because they are from SM etc etc we already know the whole NCT Bingo, they are irrelevant so why do people feel the need to mention and downgrade them constantly?
It always feels like any shade, backhanded comment and malicient joke is fine as long as it's towards them even if it's based on false intuitions and straight up lies, then they are often the ones who would be speaking about "mental health" and "not every accusation or rumour is true", K-Pop fans are so blatantly hypocritical when it comes to certain topics and groups it's just sad to see, people with 0 critical thinking whose thoughts are echo chambers of fandoms or moots, who do zero research but are ready to throw the stone based on groundless thoughts and assumptions.
And if I talk about akgaes and unit stans... they are the worse, it's awful, many people will think "you are exaggerating, BTS or BP receive way more hate overall" I DO NOT CARE, it's not about the amount but the PROPORTION... BTS have armys, BP has blinks, what does NCT has? NCTzens? Depends on the day, the unit, the member... most of them just do not care, and fandoms know this because hating on NCT is like a walk in the park, you get some hahas and next to zero backlash, what you said is falsed or biased? It doesn't matter, you won't get corrected so everybody will take what you said as true. It's honestly just overall depressing, and I don't see it getting better at all. No matter where you look, I can't name a single K-Pop site where token hating on NCT hasn't been a trend for years, it's exhausting as hell.