Queendom 2, 'We don't have representative song'. WJSN faces difficulty on choosing their song.

  • -Hul, I've always thought their representative song was Secret. They also have As You Wish.

    -Isn't Save Me, Save You their representative song?

    -I know I Wish. I f*cking love that song!!

    -What are they talking about!! They have As You Wish and Secret!!

    -Save Me, Save You, As You Wish, Secret, Happy, Dreams Come True... They have a lot of representative songsㅠㅠ

    -I think their representative song is either As You Wish, Save Me, Save You, or Secret.

    -Secret, Save Me Save You, Dreams Come True, I Wish, As You Wish!!!

    -I've always thought it's Secret...! The second one would be As You Wish, I think?

    -What about Secret and As You Wishㅠㅠ

    -Even me, an oldie who no longer listens to Kpop, know As You Wish...

    -As You Wish, because I always listen to it in new yearㅋㅋㅋ

    -Isn't it As You Wish? But WJSN has a lot of good songs...

    -What are they talking about? It's obviously Save Me, Save You! But after reading the comment, I think As You Wish could also be their representative songㅋㅋㅋ Anyway, I love WJSN

    -I really like Secret, though...

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