Do you share an MBTI with any of the Twice members

  • Based on the icon in the OP, I share mine with Tzuyu (ISTJ), but considering the comments I heard and the alternative I saw, I share most of it with Dahyun and Jeongyeon, except I'm less of an emotionally driven (F) person. I do think the second one seems more correct since I remember this making the rounds a while back about most of the members being introverts except Sana (which is not a surprise to anyone, honestly).

    Buddy InSomnia Neverland Miracle MooMoo

    <3 2021 = 10 Years of Kpop <3


  • I mean they did do 16personalities which is said to not be accurate

    tbh most tests aren't accurate

    Well, to be fair... it's not that 16personalities is inaccurate. It could very well be accurate, it's simply not MBTI. 16personalities basically took Five Factor Theory and disguised it as MBTI, using the same letters. That's why people who actually understand MBTI (and the cognitive functions) are so upset with the 16personalities website marketing itself as MBTI and so many celebrities thinking what 16personalities says is their MBTI type. Which is why when people conclude that the 16personalities test is inaccurate, it splashes back on the reputation of MBTI as being inaccurate because of false marketing.

    It's also the reason why 16personalities types has five letters (e.g. "INFJ-T") instead of the correct four-letter signifiers of MBTI types ("INFJ" only, no "-T" or "-A"). Because Five Factor Theory has five factors, so needs five letters to represent the dichotomies, while MBTI itself only has four major cognitive functions, and uses the first and last letters ("E" or "I", "J" or "P") not as a dichotomy / sliding scale but rather to indicate the difference between "outward-facing" and "inward-facing", as well as "dominant" and "subordinate" (in simple terms).

    For example, according to both 16personalities and the MBTI websites, Sana is ENFP (which is very obvious, honestly). For 16personalities / Five Factor theory, that "E" in her personality type means she leans towards the Extroverted side of the Extroversion/Introversion scale, and so she gains energy from being around people.

    According to classical MBTI cognitive functions, however, what the "E" represents is that her dominant cognitive function is her iNtuition function that is pointed outwards - she developed from a very young age the ability to bounce from one idea to another very quickly, and notice the hidden patterns that connect different ideas or events in the world very easily, jumping to the correct conclusion without always having to go through the working step-by-step. That's why she can crack witty jokes on variety very well - she can connect the current situation with something else that happened recently, and use it for humorous response. And also probably why she came up with that offbeat (but absolutely spot-on) idea on Sixteen to do a mukbang - she understood the hidden meaning behind the assignment - that it wasn't about your skills, but about your charm.

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