Obviously not just them, but every month i see threads like "would BP be successful without x, y, z, etc etc etc?" And I'm like ... Does it matter? They are successful and it seems people always try to find "reasons" for their success and always try to put others as the reason when the pinks do their jobs and do it right like ??? All 4 have the appeal, and let's not act as if kpop as a whole would survive without "companies". The thing is "BP success" is their merit too. It's their voices, visuals, charisma on stage, it's them keeping the fandom alive and etc. So yes.
Congrats BP for being a kpop group like everyone else, but still being doubted bc their numbers aren't a kpop number!!!
No shade tic tic, i just stole your thread bc it gave me a idea kkkkkkk
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