Me (YouChanDoThis) Or The PS5? 9
PS5 (6) 67%
Me (YouChanDoThis) (3) 33%
Me or the PS5?
Tell me which of us is more your type.
Seems like you can't decide.
So if it's not me, then I'm probably gonna run it over.
If that doesn't ring a bell, check out this bop of a collab between Salem, Alan Walker and TXT:

* She's the person who sang "Mad At Disney", a whole bop. Listen to that if you haven't already.
* She made "PS5" because she felt like some of her friends were drifting away from her and playing video games instead of spending enough time with her.
* She also helped write some of the lyrics for TXT's "Antiromantic", which went viral on Twitter. Thanks Nakayuki for so kindly correcting me.
So now, for the real question: Me (YouChanDoThis) or the PS5? Vote in the poll so I know who to block. Have a great day/night!