Stage presence isn't solely defined by or limited to "facial expressions"

  • Tbh I find it cringe when kpop talk about stage presence because it often comes down to being defined as jumping around the stage and $w@g as the only possible way to capture an audience. However someone like Taeyeon can simply stand in one place, not move an inch and still captivate an audience. Is that not a sign of stage presence or is something else like black magic?

    Imo as long as there’s something there for the audience to appreciate (vocals, dance, facial expressions, props etc) then that’s stage presence.

  • Stage presence is subjective but here my opinion about it : it's a mixt between charisma, energy on stage, facial expressions and performance skills (dancing, singing and/or rapping). And to me a performer with stage presence is someone who is versatile and can adapt to many different types of songs, emotions and moods.

  • the legend Michael Jackson is literally just standing without doing anything, and people are fainting. that is stage presence

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