What words (POSITIVE PLS) do people use to describe your appearance?
Changed the title of the thread from “What words (POSITIVE PLS) to describe your appearance?” to “What words (POSITIVE PLS) do people use to describe your appearance?”. -
well then I certainly don't want to be the first
From this saying:
A hard day's work never killed anyone and the quip in response is well you don't want to be the first...
"cute" "adorable"
well then I certainly don't want to be the first
From this saying:
A hard day's work never killed anyone and the quip in response is well you don't want to be the first...
appearance huh?
decently average!!!!
young? I have been called that before which is contrary to my boomerness on AKP...
appearance huh?
decently average!!!!
young? I have been called that before which is contrary to my boomerness on AKP...
Look there are always positive things to look out for
Double post
Some people seem to like my eye colour. When I wear something olive green it matches my eyes and people have occasionally commented on that and said it was cool.
pretty, gorgeous, pretty eyes, pretty hair, and really fucking beautiful
not to brag or anything but I get compliments quite often
Some people seem to like my eye colour. When I wear something olive green it matches my eyes and people have occasionally commented on that and said it was cool.
What is your eye color?/ Are your eye colors?
Also people often say "you look Japanese" as a compliment and I'm just like ???????? ty??? ???????
That’s a “I am really confused“ reaction
Hmm people around here don't comment on someone appearance that much, it's just not a habit I guess.
But if they do, this is what I hear usually: tall, nice hair, pretty, big/warm smile...
(I don't care much for the compliments, those that like me, will see me in a good way either way)
Usually they're also surprised to hear how old I am, they think I'm younger.
people describe my personality as bubbly, warm, and lively.
my appearance i have an rbf and apparently, i give off baddie vibes????
but most commonly im labeled as cute, adorable, or pretty.
i hear those words most commonly but its usually because of my smile or eyes.
Pretty, cute, gorgeous... mostly by my parents/friends though
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