The Senior Singer powerless against the Hipsters - did Mnet find a way to counter her, finally?

  • Kpop's Senior Singer, who reached that position in 2014 because MNet's Asian Music Award gave her the Lifetime Achievement Award at the age of twenty-one and lorded over the entire KPop,

    is finding it hard to defeat the hipsters Be:O(feat: Beenzino) and sokodomo (feat: ZionT and Wonstein) , alumni of MNet's Show Me Money season #10, in an open battle.

    It is the first major defeat of the Senior Singer since Suran (read: Suga of BTS) defeated her in an open field on May 2017, following Laboum stomping on the Singer who was already Senior for 2 1/3 years.

    Her arrogance returned with a revenge as the Hipsters score the first victory against her since Suga.

    MNet should have planned the HIpsters to attack her each time instead of doing nothing - fortunately it seems MNet learned how to deal with the Senior Singer, drowning her under a torrent of hipsters.

  • Does not matter, when all the kukhip-sters have consensually crowned her as the one-top of Korean Hip Hop. Filial duty has been paid repeatedly.

    Whether it started as a joke or not, it is now a standard of K Hiphop.

  • If she appears all the rappers in Korea will not lose an opportunity to give her a hard dissing

    Who would be foolish to risk offending the beloved of S.Korea?

    Anyway, timing? Here are couple of rappers on her lyrical abilities. And one of them says she could win SMTM.

    Though her singing might not be suited to rapping, her lyric writing and rhythmic abilities might indeed be the best for that genre

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  • If they challenge her and win, it is a major victory.

    What doomed Laboum was the Yulhee fiasco after its greatest victory. No one is going to do that again.

    It is unlikely that she will do rap herself. She did collaborate with the rapper Dean before so she might try to collabo wit one of the SMTM people, but their styles are so different that a common ground will be harder to find

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