You are an Idol still are in group but already debuted solo, what would you do if...

  • You are in 5-6th year of contract with agency


    your solo sales are equivalent of 65-75% of your groups last album

    would you even think of renewing a contract as group member

    or would you rather go solo

    or for example sign with different agency - like Wheein did, but still from time to time promote with group members?

    instead of voting, let's talk.

    My personal take:

    Let's say last group album total sales were 500k total sales

    but I've debuted solo and alone sold 340k

    But in group there are four-five other members

    so the money needs to be split within us all

    when as soloist I split the cake to two, just me and agency.

    Honestly I would only stay in group/in current agency if I would know that they are preparing big world tour: US/CAN + West Europe + Japan/Australia, and if I would get gut feeling that next group album might get big sales boost.

    But if for example I wouldn't like just small bit of things within agency, or if we will be voting for next single and 4 members will choose 1 song, and me & other chingu choice wouldn't be the one I liked then I will respect their choice and promote well but still say bye bye to yorobun when my contract will expire.

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  • well yes in a group you have the share the profits but the question is can you continously sell that many albums whilst no longer being in that group?

    ie. does the benefits of being in hte group and associated with the group outweigh the benefits of being a complete soloist

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