Hello there,
Friendly neighborhood dork here.
I have a small announcement!
So it has been decided by staff and the badge event hosts, that from now on all badge petitions for new badges to be added must meet or exceed 20 votes even in cases of static badges petitions.
This is to help prevent cluttering up the request line for badges. We promise we are trying to get as many badges out as we can and to bring your favorites but we do have to keep in mind to make sure there is actually a demand for these badges to be added and not just a couple people wanting them. 💖
Any petitions that were successfully completed and accepted before this announcement, are not affected. This is just for any petitions that have not reached their goal yet before the announcement, and/or all future petitions.
We hope everyone understands and knows this was not a spur of the moment decision. This was discussed quite a bit and we appreciate you all for being so active!
Also so there is no confusion going forward there will be some new people who will also be hosting badge events!
Myself and Rainbowlicious will be hosting some of the static events as petitions come along. This is in addition to Ves hosting the limited badge events, and Ibby, @quarkie and Pikachu-Senpai who've been already hosting static badge events. Keep your eyes open for those upcoming events!