I'm technically much younger but age is just a number... Now about that apartment.....ahem
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Chile it's a line I picked up from knets. The knets reactions to jungkook buying his brother an apartment is hillarious lmao:
"I shouldn't be like this, I need to make my younger brother practice dance now," "I love how the two brothers are so fond of each other," "That's so nice of him," "Hi Jungkook, it's your long lost noona," "I want a brother like Jungkook," "I wish I had a younger brother who would give me an apartment," "That's so awesome," and "Jungkook is so nice."
Ok there are a lot of men in their 40's who seem kinda mad at the naver article and are angered cuz people might feel deprived at his wealth but anyway chile. Here are more funny ones:
Ah... my hyung is looking at me..ㅡㅡ
You pay a lot of tax. You're a patriot.
It's been a few years since I was born, so my younger brother is Jungkook
Jungkook-ah, can't you be a brother-in-law?