No Diplomatic Passport No opinion

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  • kurapika-BTS

    Changed the title of the thread from “No diplomatic No opinion” to “No Diplomatic Passport No opinion”.
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  • have an idea

    what if they would just add note to rules

    "Man which received diplomatic passports and work as Korean envoys promoting culture around the globe are exempted from mandatory military service."

    voila. problem solved

  • Does this mean they can do illegal stuff now and get away with it like in my crime shows that I watch? :eyes:

    Yes because they are officially diplomats and have diplomatic immunity. Also HYBE burden will now be much greater than it used to be and BTS themselves may find more stress and worries because these added accomplishments puts more targets on them that wouldn't exist at all or exist in a very small chances. With this new stuff they are very close now with the government and the president. As a result they would need armed security and fans maybe forced to not ever get near them as fanmeets will be a thing of the past, because of their now heavier involvement in politics. They will now be serious targets for terrorists and enemy state actors like north Korea now has a legitimate reason to target a kpop idol. HYBE will have sign over security to the police as they would need armed security for BTS. And overseas hire a military contractor for armed security wherever the group goes outside of Korea. They would have to get them a bomb proof armored vehicle similar to the one's a ambassador or the leader of nations use. I don't think anyone thinks about the shit you open yourself upto when you get into politics

  • Yes because they are officially diplomats and have diplomatic immunity. Also HYBE burden will now be much greater than it used to be and BTS themselves may find more stress and worries because these added accomplishments puts more targets on them that wouldn't exist at all or exist in a very small chances. With this new stuff they are very close now with the government and the president. As a result they would need armed security and fans maybe forced to not ever get near them as fanmeets will be a thing of the past, because of their now heavier involvement in politics. They will now be serious targets for terrorists and enemy state actors like north Korea now has a legitimate reason to target a kpop idol. HYBE will have sign over security to the police as they would need armed security for BTS. And overseas hire a military contractor for armed security wherever the group goes outside of Korea. They would have to get them a bomb proof armored vehicle similar to the one's a ambassador or the leader of nations use. I don't think anyone thinks about the shit you open yourself upto when you get into politics

    Yeah I am sure none of the more than 1000 employees working at Hybe thought of all this and ofc specialists in charge of their security since years would be unaware of this. Specialists in diplomatic security sitting on AKP are more informed for sure.

    Lol, do you think it matters when the pros clearly outweigh every con? But you carry on, search for the negatives. I know its all some people have to make themselves feel better about this.

    BTS in the meanwhile quite literally became Bulletproof.

    Edited 2 times, last by paradis ().

  • you have a diplomatic passport?

    damn what you gonna do with it?

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  • Yeah I am sure none of the more than 1000 employees working at Hybe thought of all this and ofc specialists in charge of their security since years would be unaware of this. Specialists in diplomatic security sitting on AKP are more informed for sure.

    Lol, do you think it matters when the pros clearly outweigh every con? But you carry on, search for the negatives. I know its all some people have to make themselves feel better about this.

    BTS in the meanwhile quite literally became Bulletproof.

    Yes im sure they thought about it lol, I'm just pointing out that this though great isn't all rainbows and sunshine's. There are quite a few things people don't factor in when getting into this. This is far far different than what any idol or agency had to deal with all of it new ground.

    Plus more stress than usual. Before an idol always had to watch themselves about scandals because it at worse would affect your image or that of your agency, most can be repaired with time etc. But now as diplomats now your words, actions and beliefs can be seen as a reflection of the will of a nation so you have to be far more careful than you have been otherwise.

    And yes they will be literally bullet proof as they will be guranteed wearing lvl 3 rated body armor probably concealable ceramic plates that can withstand AP 7.62x39 rounds from full length rifles

  • The really big win for them is now as diplomats they will have government level security. Armed guards armored cars motorcades and security exclusion zones. No more fans or saseangs crowding them at airports because as diplomats security is higher they have a serious risk now of terrorists, and enemy state actors. So people won't be able to get with in 300ft of them without getting arrested or actually shot by their security team and those guards do have a license to use lethal force when protecting a diplomat. Because the idea of an idol having a suicide bomber or some dude with a gun or knife come up to attack or kidnap is a legitimate threat now to them

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