Display MoreWhile on the surface it might look like 3rd Gen is too strong, I actually think 3rd gen groups are in the twilight of their careers. The last dance before the curtains finally close for good
BP and Twice peaked digitally in Korea from 2016-2018 with Cheer Up and D4.
BTS peaked digitally with BWL in 2019 or in 2020 with Dynamite although i dont think Dyna will ever catch up to BWL.
Slowly but surely, the 4th gen is catching up while Father Time works his malevolent sorcery on the old boomer groups. The GGs have to face the ultimate Grim Reaper, the 7 year curse. BP has the Dungeon as well. Meanwhile, BTS is getting wicked old, Jin is almost ahjussi age and even the Golden Maknae is inexoraby reaching "the turning" for Kpop idols (25).
Nothing lasts forever and all good things must come to an end.
Dalla Dalla was the initial shot across the bow. The warning.
Next Level i think is the inflection point, turning the wheels in motion for 4th gen dominance.
Sooner or later, a 4th gen BG will hit it big on Melon, and then you'll know for sure that the time of Bangtan, Teudoongie, and Pink is over.
BP digital peak was last year, their last cmb and since then they have none
3r gen second year or 2016-17 have multiple groups paking smth 4the gen doesnt have, they can barely have longevity