South Korea is a joke country

  • Can't really trust them anymore.

    So Seungri got 3 years in prison, when imo he deserved more than that and they are requesting 3 years for B.I. too? Are they insane? Where is drug dealer? Is she even caught? What kind of system is this?

    I'm not even a fan of him, just saying. This country needs to review their judgement system lmao what a joke


  • I mean I said this previously but that's what their laws and their systems are...

    is that better or worse than the US system? or China or Europe? or whatever other system of laws are in place???

    whichever systems are fairer in one person's opinion might be different to someone else...

    Person A might think drug use is a heinous offence and thus deserve more punishment...

    Person B might think drug use (not dealing) shouldn't be an offence at all...

  • No one can tell me that Seungri isn’t backed by someone big and how much sk shields sexist crimes. Like I saw today an article of a

    But the sk police is fast as hell when it is about a women playing with a sex doll. Like wtf

  • SK is known for their unfair and very terrible justice system. someone who murders someone apparently can get out in 10 years, shit is so back wards, but someone smokes weed and they now need to have a criminal record and serve in prison. They are so corrupt. Cases with clear evidence are brushed off, I remember seeing a case about a little boy who got acid thrown on him, and he told the police who did it to him, the evidence was as clear as day, but they threw it out because they didn't believe the child. They thought he was making it up because he was a kid. Shit pisses me off.

  • And in the US black kids would sell weed and go to jail for years and white kids would steal and sell opioids to all their classmates and they go to Stanford for years. All "justice" systems are crap.

    Tell'em Bangtan is dancing on the floorImage result for bts dancing gif fire

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