the reality of getting close to someone famous

  • i'm going to preface this by saying i will not say who this is. sorry.

    i want to say it's 100% amazing but it's not. in 2020 a youtuber returned to youtube and it's safe to say i was over-fucking-joyed, especially because i remember crying over his very sudden hiatus. he had made a new twitter and basically somehow he ended up following me, we ended up talking in the dms and guess what, we became close!

    he told me some personal shit, lots of it in fact. and i was head over heels with his cute ass, even though everyone thought i was bananas. anyways, certain things happened and he ended up not being able to do youtube anymore. ok. he was down but he bounced back and continued on twitter. well, something happened and he doesn't have access to twitter anymore, and that was the final nail in his coffin. he still talked but i could tell he was different.

    and then eventually he's so burnt out that he doesn't reply to anyone, leaves the internet without a trace for a second time. he hasn't talked to me or any other of his close friends. i have his fucking number too but i don't want to be intrusive, dude has been AWOL since the end of may

    basically what i'm saying is, if you get close to your oppar, prepare for lots of drama and/or unexpected attachment/emotional rollercoasters. just makes me miss my late bf more.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • That could be literally anyone, not exclusive to “famous” people

    Everyone ghosts each other

    i didn't explain it well but your expectations of someone, especially someone with a certain public image, can be shattered very quickly

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • yes but not completely. he used words/said things got into shit that he really just should not have

    I see. Well tbh that's just people. They can mess up. Idolising celebs as the perfect person is just asking for trouble when they do something you don't agree with, like or understand. We've seen that many times in kpop including scandals which aren't really scandals but still have extreme reactions simply because fans expected better (eg dating scandals).

  • idols and celebrity's are just like us, you get close to them and you realize "hey, there's really nothing special about this person, there just normal" yotubers go awol all the time, it's stressful. I get it's cool to be friends with a big youtuber, but these are just normal people with "normal" lives.

  • I try to live by the motto "never meet your heroes", if you can be disappointed by actions of close friends that surely can happens with rich and "powerful" celebrities lol

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