So with this whole Soojin thing, there has been a renewed attempted by some (G)-IDLE fans to swamp Sea Shin-ae with hate including bombarding her YouTube channel or at least YouTube videos with her in it and Dming her on insta and causing her to disable her comments (to be fair I dont know if this is recent or from earlier but still it is the result of the same). This situation and many others like it are why victims probably would be reluctant to publicaly put a face to their accusations because they would be ripped apart by the rabid fan culture that kpop encourages. So I think asking about the fairness of any in regard to the victim is a terrible way to discuss these topics. I mean she is getting a ton of shit, just look under any twitter topic with her name and under basically anything to do with her on the internet. This type of attitude actively discourages accuser for a reason.

Reluctant Victims: Bullying in Kpop
an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
It’s horrible what she has to go through because of her bully’s fans, them acting this way is not going to help anyone.
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