Do you think any idol groups have dorms in Saint Castle?

  • So I was watching the vlog of Polish vlogger (it's in Polish so won't link video)

    but she said that there are places like this one, it's named Saint Castle, they made it to look like houses/buildings in Europe

    so inside there are flats with about 100m2 each and what was surprising that vlogger said that this 100m2 is cheaper than 80, maybe even 70m2 in new apartment complex or in better location.

    Lol but I would like more to live here, do you think Idols have dorms in places like this one?

    it's interesting because you can see the gate, it's open but there is security guard/guards somewhere there, and CCTV as well

    saint castle.jpg

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  • IDK ... depends on the company I guess. I saw pics of a group's dorm once (I forgot who) and they had like hell of a nice apartment despite the fact that they sell like nothing and one member said their CEO cares like a parent for them wich is why they got a nice apartment o.o but no idea where their apartment could be tho

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • I hope not, It looks ugly (to me) :eyes:

    I have never seen those kind of thing been done well. These buildings are very often disproportionate, lack in details and made using cheap materials...

    Also Sky Castle >>> Saint Castle :teeheek:

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