the songs released during third gen and start of 4th gen focused a lot on strong performance and non-singing chorus most of the time where they can show their dance skills
but the new release prove that GP is tired of this type of things, if you compare every GG song doing great in the chart right now they are all copying the 2nd gen recipe of successfull song :
- an easy hook to sing a long
- the repition of a same word to make it more addictive and stuck to your mind ( asap, dun dun dance, next level, rollin )
- a very easy choregraphy that everyone can have fun to reproduce without being a strong dancer
even when you watch BG performance in the chart, the best performing song in the chart by bg also follow this pattern
"Hot sauce gipi dip" is a part who appear often in the song and the move in the choregraphy is easy to follow
" dont call me " by shinee, the dont call me part is repetitive in the chorus and the choregraphy is very easy during this part for anybody to follow
it seems like GP is starting to be tired of groups trying to make strong performance who make them look cool and impressive to the eyes of the public
and seems to prefer now song with which one they can have fun to listen to it, sing along and dance to it