Do you think TLM live action will flop?
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I think The Little Mermaid!
I think The Little Mermaid!
Oh. Probably do well money wise but will be shit like the rest of the live action films
Oh. Probably do well money wise but will be shit like the rest of the live action films
agree. I watched beauty and the beast, aladdin, maleficent and cinderella and that was more than enough to realize that every live action remake is going to be terrible.
I must admit that i had so much fun watching mulan reviews on youtube, especially from chinese people; i watched them all :-D disney and their obsession with mary sue characters. Give women superpowers, don't have them work hard for anything, they were born flawless. That's disney's definition of strong women. They ruined the point of the story of mulan. Congrats, i guess
agree. I watched beauty and the beast, aladdin, maleficent and cinderella and that was more than enough to realize that every live action remake is going to be terrible.
I must admit that i had so much fun watching mulan reviews on youtube, especially from chinese people; i watched them all :-D disney and their obsession with mary sue characters. Give women superpowers, don't have them work hard for anything, they were born flawless. That's disney's definition of strong women. They ruined the point of the story of mulan. Congrats, i guess
I watched Aladdin which was OK, Jungle book which was pretty good but the absolute worst was Lion king which looked really weird seeing the animals sing these wacky songs and do crazy shit but having emotionless animals faces.
Never saw Mulan but my friends said it was shit for the reasons you mentioned.
Disney just wants to make some quick cash without really caring about why people loved the original source material and that leads to shit films that no one cares about.
The same thing happened with Star wars. 3 films with almost zero thought put into them that culminates with a mess no one likes: FA was pretty much a total rip off New Hope, Last Jedi threw up so many out of character and out of universe mixes and Rise was a rushed pile of shit that felt like you missed a film in between.
It's almost a miracle that the MCU is consistently good quality and manages to actually have pay offs for characters and events despite the rest of Disney's film series having some horrible turds.
If Disney would stop with their virtue signaling, fake woke stans and turning every female lead into a Mary Sue... I think more people would enjoy the LA remakes cause there would be more focus on story telling rather than pushing an agenda while using something familiar to people.
With this they also ruined the Star Wars franchise, it started out promising but than went downhill. They will still make money tho.
Thank Good they left the Marvel universe alone as much as possible.
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