everyone is secret fansé.
I'm a secret fanśe myself
not them embarrassing themselves like that
not them embarrassing themselves like that
chill .. every supports is welcome.
chill .. every supports is welcome.
Everyone shy to admit they're fanse
rolo is irresistible
I'm a secret fanśe myself
seCreT? I ThougHT You wEre preTTy oPeN About iT
onceblinks are the superior onces and the superior blinks
onceblinks are the superior onces and the superior blinks
agree with the once part
but armyblinks>>>
CAnt I bE BoTH?
oF couRSE Its noT fOR mE tO JudGE yoUR PRefereNCes
i mySElf lIkE aLot of giRl GrOupS
oF couRSE Its noT fOR mE tO JudGE yoUR PRefereNCes
i mySElf lIkE aLot of giRl GrOupS
I caNt teLL
YOu cAN aT LEast thROw uP A sIG fOr YouR BIas gROup yK
it CoulD bE iT CoulD bE noT
I dO lIke GG a Lot?
It MaY be Bp iT mAy bE TWice
It MaY bE AnOTHeR cAre tO ROlL tHe DicE?
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