I think they'd like all men to have some form of training in the case shit hits the fan as they do have a professional Army. You can surely do it in one year though. I think even if you up the pay attracting people into a profession where your job will be to kill people and possibly get killed/ maimed is always a tough sell.
We seem to have no problems in the US though. The size of the military would be reduced for sure but that could happen anyway with the current system (the demographic numbers i've read are shocking, i think the population of eligible draftees is projected to drop by like 50%).
Reduce the size of the force but invest in them like you would any professional workforce. There's a huge cultural barrier to overcome i think (I know Koreans really look down on soldiers as "lower class" "uneducated" etc), but in the end, this could be the best solution to address the huge demographic problem.