What are your thoughts on crypto miners?

  • Are they to blame for the chip shortage? Are they misunderstood?

    Are they the bad guys of the tech world? Are they the good guys of the tech world? neutral?

    I want to hear any and all opinions!

    I'm firmly on the fence for now and I want to see which side I might wanna pick when the time comes to choose one.

  • Individual miners are neither good nor bad - they have just chosen an alternative form of investment. State miners (Russia, China) throw immense resources into it, and can perhaps be considered "bad guys" .

    The chip shortage has much bigger causes than crypto mining.

  • Bastards. Because of them many PC components have expensive AF for the last few years. Midrange GPUs cost more than the RRP of the top spec GPUs. I wanted to update my pc in 2019 but I either couldn't afford the parts I wanted or they were continually out of stock. The worst part is some older parts instead of going down in value are even more expensive years later than they were at launch.

  • everyone is free to do what they want as they please...

    if they want to mine - so be it...then the market determines the price for the crypto currencies...

    its capitalism...if and when the price for chips goes up then people might wanna make more chips and mine less

  • everyone is free to do what they want as they please...

    if they want to mine - so be it...then the market determines the price for the crypto currencies...

    its capitalism...if and when the price for chips goes up then people might wanna make more chips and mine less

    everyone is free to do what they want as they please? what?

    Crypto mining is not useful for society and bad for environment

  • Individual mining sure if it's like one or two side computers. Maybe people may consider them like botters in gaming. Big ass operations? I think it's bad, but any industrial level operation does damage.

  • everyone is free to do what they want as they please? what?

    Crypto mining is not useful for society and bad for environment

    yes people are free in a general sense...

    so is a lot of things...which are bad for the environment and society but that it still doesn't mean people don't do such things...

    Just like you are free to make posts here, walk outside, eat a burger...freedoms lol

    and thus people are also free to crypto mine

  • Individual miners are neither good nor bad - they have just chosen an alternative form of investment. State miners (Russia, China) throw immense resources into it, and can perhaps be considered "bad guys" .

    That's an interesting thought. What do you think of companies that mine crypto for clients? Something like Mining pools or straight mining companies?

  • I'm just waiting for the next crash and the tears that will inevitably follow. It's surprising how many continue to fall for these ponzi schemes.

  • I noticed that when I visit allkpop I have an abnormally high CPU and my PC is extremely slow. I installed No Coin, minerBlock and other adblockers and only now the performance is normal.

    Maybe a cryptojacking code is embedded on this website but I'm not sure.

  • Hi! I see it's been a while, but I want to chime in, as it's an interesting topic. I think crypto miners are not necessarily the bad guys of the tech world, but their impact on the chip shortage cannot be ignored. It's important to balance innovation and responsibility towards other industries. Everyone should be careful about investing and analyzing a lot of information before making such an important decision. I usually check articles about investing in crypto at time.com to learn about new tendencies and stuff. What about you? Let's share our hacks and experiences!

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