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227 miles between Tokyo to Kyoto
Shinkansen fare between 2 cities is 28,000 yen round trip, equally about $ 280, SF to Bakersfield is about 290 miles ..
OK make it $280 from SF to BF round trip, CA makes it a bit more affordable than Japan and build 5 stations, travel from 1 station to another and back costs $50-60 a day. 22 working days a month costs $1,300, and that's for the luckiest ones that only have to get on a 1 station ride to work....
I am not sure if poor families can afford 2 to 3 stations travel a day had bullet train project got a go with 4 to 5 stations..
That's part of the problem. Many people thought the bullet train system would be more localized like it is in Japan.
There was also a push for programs where people could get discounted monthly passes. For example, a monthly bus pass where I live is around $100, and it gets me anywhere from King City to the Bay Area.
Obviously, this isn't happening anymore. Btw. I got to ride the Bullet train from Tokyo to Kyoto once. It was awesome