Refrigerator water taste musty, like even the ice taste musty too.
We tried cleaning the fridge too, so I guess it's just embedded in the system?
Refrigerator water taste musty, like even the ice taste musty too.
We tried cleaning the fridge too, so I guess it's just embedded in the system?
thats very true I cant argue with that, refrigerator please do better and uphold your image you fad
It's been sitting in there too long. It's basically absorbing all the odors of what's in your freezer. I always just called it "freezer taste".
fuck the planet fr
We can't live w/o plastic tho bc it's so versatile unfortunately...
sorry sea animals
big fat agreed
who cares about sea animals these ungrateful bastards never come out to say hi anyway
i want to laugh but the turtles lmfao
I always bring straws with me whenever I go to the beach to remind those bastards who's in charge
Sis I-
Definitely keep baking soda in your fridge & freezer. It makes a huge difference.
If you've got any stale ice/water in there , I'd empty it out too.
Definitely keep baking soda in your fridge & freezer. It makes a huge difference.
If you've got any stale ice/water in there , I'd empty it out too.
Good idea
Thank you ct2~!
np. I got a mini fridge recently and keep forgetting to get a box of baking soda for it. Even though there's nothing that went bad in there, the smell aint it.
Also just a tip in case this might apply to you, I always save some of the baking soda I buy for the fridge and put in it a small container in my pantry before I put the box in the fridge. That way I can keep some for baking without buying 2 boxes (you really shouldn't be using the baking soda in the fridge for food).
I only drink refrigerated water
I always bring straws with me whenever I go to the beach to remind those bastards who's in charge
Does your refrigerator water taste ok?
Yeah, it is cold and I like cold and I am pretty sure it tastes like bottled water.
Yeah, it is cold and I like cold and I am pretty sure it tastes like bottled water.
Any type of special cleaning you do?
Is it a small or big fridge?
I always bring straws with me whenever I go to the beach to remind those bastards who's in charge
bc it travels underground through a rusty pipe
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