This is what I bought today - pls do not judge to hard
Changed the title of the thread from “This is why I bought today - pls do not judge to hard” to “This is what I bought today - pls do not judge to hard”. -
They're really cute
thats a pillow. It depends on the seller, because I found seller who sold it for 15€ and 3€ shipping but there were also seller who sold it for 25€ and 10€ shipping and one seller even had it for 53€ and 10€ shipping. The one I almost went with (10€ and 10€ shipping) was called out as that the pillow ripped very fast so I didn't took it and went with the seller I took cause they had only 4 and 5 star reviews only.
With shipping I payed:
5,38€ for the puncher
5,70€ for the tape dispenser
18€ for the pillow
6,99€ for the storage
The makup brush cup 3,49€
3,49€ for the place mats
And I just purchased a set of Sailor Moon Brushes who are with Shipping 14,38€
oh i wasn't paying attention LOL its so beautiful though omfg. you are tempting me to spend money on amazon now. I do need a new humidifier now that I think about it
oh wow it sounds like you got a good deal on some of that stuff!
IDK what type you are looking for but this is the one I own:
IDK under what name it is to be find on Amazon in another country, but the seller is called REFURBISHHOUSE. I payed around 11€ and 2€ shipping. It's not the biggest but it is enough for a at lrast 10m² big room and lasts up to about 6 hours
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