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I wonder if SM isn't taking a "modern" twist to greek mythology
since the species of the black mamba came from the ancien greek of "dendron" and "asp"
asp=aespa it does look similar
also my theory about the person at the end of Black mamba being a representation of Aphrodite
and in the greek mytholody Aphrodite is often connected to snake in the medusa myth and Psyche myth
in the psyche Myth Aphrodite is the godess of love and beauty, but since people forsake Aphrodite temple because of the beauty of Psyche
so Jealous, Aphrodite prevented Psyche of finding a husband , so an oracle told to psyche parent to calm down the anger of Aphrodite psyche had to go on a rock waiting for a magical wind to bring her to her husband but a snake was suppose to eat her alive but she was saved.
In Aespa you can consider that Aphrodite was jealous of Aespa and wanting to get rid of them with the black mamba like Psyche
but here Aespa didn't want to conform to the desire of Aphrodite
so maybe that's why she's coming to her human form
and maybe in the next cb they will be transform as mermaid
since in the greek mythology they are transform into siren by Aphrodite because they refuse to give their virgnity to a human or a god , when it was the desire of aphrodite. So in the mythology greek Girls are transform into siren because they didn't conform to Aphrodite desire.
Like aespa didn't want too
Or maybe i'm reaching too far x)))))))))))))))))))))))))
They look pretty
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Probably around June-July
Probably around June-July
I wish it sooner
It’s to long wait
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