Cute Twice
Mature Twice
Cute Twice
Mature Twice
cute twice all the way
I always associate them with cute first since it's what made them what they are. But in no way is mature twice fake twice.
Why not both? Maybe those Heartshaker clones took on the other side of them.
It can be
Twice is Twice, concepts don’t define them. Instead they define concepts ✨
Twice is Twice, concepts don’t define them. Instead they define concepts ✨
I was gonna say this at the end of the discussion. But, you say it first means it's the end of discussion
And I agree with you and Mr. Incredible right here
Except it's Twice
There is only Twice Concept
Why did I laugh
107 isn't divided by 9. What do you mean with that? Or you count the people in the picture?
And that's the tea, folks!
You can count it yourself to confirm that number
I'll just take your word for it.
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