Is it true, do you do it too?
- Placing stuff onto every step of the stairs in hope you pick it up and put it away but instead it lies there for days
- Picking food from the first floor and eat on the 2nd floor but than being too lazy to take the dishes back downstairs
- If the bedrooms are upstairs you complain about the noisy people downstairs when you sleep and the people downstairs say "well we are far away, so why should they complain? They can't even hear us!"
- Sneaking down stairs at night hoping nobody will hear you
- If you should be asleep but people downstairs are still up and you hope they won't notice that you are secretly still up on the 2nd floor
- When being on the 2nd floor and someone yells your name and you ask and than wait for them to reply, but they most likly won't, so you get up for no reason, walk to thw 1st floor and than find out it was unnessesary of you to even walk downstairs
- lurking out the windows on the 2nd floor to have a better view when for example the mailman is going to deliver a package to you or your mom is comming back home, to be ready when you need to go downstairs
- You most likly will have more than 1 toilet so in case someone yelles "hurry up, I need to use the bathroom" you can sit back, relax your butt and say "go to the other bathroom!" and if they say no, than ignore them, they will eventually go to the other damn bathroom
- Since there are most likly 2 different floors, you can take naps without being disturbed by much noises from everyone else since they will most likly be on the other floor
- You might got 2 seperate TVs so you can watch whatever you want while the rest of the family watches something else