Why Are Some Boycotts Pushed More Than Others?

  • Why is it that some boycotts are pushed more than others?

    When you think of boycotts within kpop, your first thought is probably about the BBC boycott.

    Since then, boycotts have seemed to be on the rise, with people boycotting more companies and groups for a variety of reasons. But why is it that some of these boycotts are taken more seriously and cared for more than others?

    Because there are so many and this is the main point of my post, I'll be talking mostly about RIIZE and Loona.

    Recently, RIIZE fans have started a boycott against SM where they refuse to support comebacks, merchandise, and shows to show their support for Seunghan and his return from his unfair forced hiatus.

    Seunghan had a dream to become a kpop idol, but since he had "negative publicity", he had to be removed, and has seemingly been forgotten by the company.

    When the BBC boycott began, it was taken very seriously from the very start. Even now, you can see people online ridiculing anyone who streams or promotes LOONA in any way that isnt in terms of the boycott, in very toxic ways. You can tell it's not taken lightly.

    But with RIIZE, their monthly listens on Spotify only seem to be going up, and people post videos of themselves openly spending money or streaming for RIIZE with no shame. And the people that see these videos dont seem to say anything about the boycott or discourage the person from supporting at all.

    I took the time to speak to a few of these people to see what they had to say so I can understand them a bit better. To no surprise, some blocked me after I mentioned the boycott. But here is what I got out of the ones who messaged me.

    Some told me they assumed it'd be okay to buy tickets to their tour because the boycott was "fizzling out". The boycott never fizzled out, it will fizzle out when Seunghan comes back. Because that is the point of the boycott. Some people tend to stop caring after a week, but that doesnt mean the boycott "fizzled out", it just means that person was trying to be performative and pretend to care because people were talking about it and voicing their outrage of the mistreatment.

    I also heard the very common excuse or defense, "Other people were doing it so I thought it would be okay to do that."

    If people do it, thats their own fault and a reflection on the person they are. And it is also a reflection on you, as well. It's the definition of bandwagon.

    Seunghan and LOONA were both taken advantage of and mistreated. Both had dreams of being idols and because of companies that see them as cashcows, they were put at a disadvantage.

    They both experienced the same thing, so why are the boycotts for both of them treated so differently? What does this truly stem from, because it cant possibly be out of love or care for the idols or wanting whats best for them.

  • Why is it that some boycotts are pushed more than others?

    Boycotts, like other grassroots efforts, only work if there are enough people behind it that also feel strongly enough to see it through. This is why large dedicated fandoms can make this work and why those made up of less committed stans will have trouble achieving the momentum needed.

  • well, atleast they are better than rizee fans.

    what do riize fans do? ive seen and experienced orbits telling ppl to harm themselves or doxx them just because they disagree with them, and its a pretty common thing to joke abt on tiktok and twt, so im sure youve seen it.. or maybe youre trying to ignore it? but ive never seen a riize fan do anything nearly as bad

  • what do riize fans do? ive seen and experienced orbits telling ppl to harm themselves or doxx them just because they disagree with them, and its a pretty common thing to joke abt on tiktok and twt, so im sure youve seen it.. or maybe youre trying to ignore it? but ive never seen a riize fan do anything nearly as bad

    Bad apples exists in every fandom. Besides that, one fandom unite to boycott a company for their faves, and the other fandom didnt even make the effort. :wellr:

  • Bad apples exists in every fandom. Besides that, one fandom unite to boycott a company for their faves, and the other fandom didnt even make the effort. :wellr:

    Seems like youre just another toxic orbit ive run into, so i can see why you wouldnt agree lol

    but I look at both sides of the argument because thats what is supposed to happen when writing an essay, I study journalism so I take the process very seriously.

    And yes, Orbits are, like I said, not "better people" than briize, so your statement really makes no sense, and it actually just reflects on you, like i stated in my essay, because you believe his dreams deserve to be crushed because??? his fans are "bad"? what does that mean for loona, then?

  • Seems like youre just another toxic orbit ive run into, so i can see why you wouldnt agree lol

    but I look at both sides of the argument because thats what is supposed to happen when writing an essay, I study journalism so I take the process very seriously.

    And yes, Orbits are, like I said, not "better people" than briize, so your statement really makes no sense, and it actually just reflects on you, like i stated in my essay, because you believe his dreams deserve to be crushed because??? his fans are "bad"? what does that mean for loona, then?


    Agree with what? WHat both sides of the argument?

    Again. One make a boycott succesfully, the other dont. For what you write, looks like rizee fans dont care enough for Seungham. That in my book makes orbits better, maybe they care more, maybe they are more efficient. In both cases that only makes them look better than rizee fans.
    Mmm, wait, im missing something here, do you think the boycott to BBC was a bad thing?

  • Lol

    Agree with what? WHat both sides of the argument?

    Again. One make a boycott succesfully, the other dont. For what you write, looks like rizee fans dont care enough for Seungham. That in my book makes orbits better, maybe they care more, maybe they are more efficient. In both cases that only makes them look better than rizee fans. Mmm, wait, im missing something here, do you think the boycott to BBC was a bad thing?

    where did I say that?? read my essay again, bc youre just proving the same points I make or asking me things that I already spoke on, even if the last line I defend loona.. I dont pick sides, I dont say loona boycott is okay and riize isnt, or vice versa. dont make things up

  • where did I say that?? read my essay again, bc youre just proving the same points I make or asking me things that I already spoke on, even if the last line I defend loona.. I dont pick sides, I dont say loona boycott is okay and riize isnt, or vice versa. dont make things up

    Im not making, im just asking.
    Now think whatever you want. The fact is one fandom did a boycott succesfully for their faves and the other dont even make the effort. Orbits>Rizee fans. :ragec:

  • Im not making, im just asking.
    Now think whatever you want. The fact is one fandom did a boycott succesfully for their faves and the other dont even make the effort. Orbits>Rizee fans. :ragec:

    yeah.. youre proving the point of my article and also that I said orbits are toxic in response to you saying orbits are good people.

    my post was never about which fandom is better or who is more deserving, but thats what youre turning this conversation into and its a sad thing as that is not what my intent was with this post, nor should it be the message you got out if it.

    my post was about how they should be treated equally and fairly, but youre making it some fan war

    this convo is over though, goodnight!

  • Lol, im not even a orbit. Making conclusions out of nothing? Mmmm, good look with the sensationalist journalist.

    dont know what the point of this comment was, I did my research, looked through the looking glass, and wrote my post. I did what a journalist does in journalism. dont put me on a pedestal like Im above you just bc thats what I do for a living, nobody is untouchable and that is, again, the point of my post. I also never said youre an orbit. I dont have to act all professional outside of that time, Im 17, I have time to be a teenager... So stop bothering me and making up fake things lol, I have better things to do

  • dont know what the point of this comment was, I did my research, looked through the looking glass, and wrote my post. I did what a journalist does in journalism. dont put me on a pedestal like Im above you just bc thats what I do for a living, nobody is untouchable and that is, again, the point of my post. I also never said youre an orbit. I dont have to act all professional outside of that time, Im 17, I have time to be a teenager... So stop bothering me and making up fake things lol, I have better things to do

    "Seems like youre just another toxic orbit ive run into"

    You cant even remember what you write few moments ago. Jesus

    Btw, what you did was judge an entire fandom for what some individuals did just to refute me. Forgetful and prejudiced, mmmm, looks bad.

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