Do you stan boy groups? 13
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This forum is mostly talking about girl groups.
The result is only visible to the participants.
This forum is mostly talking about girl groups.
This forum is mostly talking about girl groups.
I stan Wonho and his backdancers. Does it counts as bg?
Anybody else?
I stan a bg
Hi there
(also I do like Japanese boygroups too)
Anybody else?
There are lots of people here that stan BGs. People are more often talking GG cause they're charting well so they are seen as competitors. Kpop stanning is nothing if not a competition. Fans of those ones on top celebrating and inevitably the more toxic of them shit talking is nothing new. Fuels the war.
And don't worry, when a BG makes waves, don't worry those stans will be crowing too. 2025
And don't worry, when a BG makes waves, don't worry those stans will be crowing too. 2025
i mostly stan bgs lol
i mostly stan bgs lol
I guess that counts.
im more of a bg listener than gg
Me. Me.Me
I like both ggs and bgs. Yes, we need more bg threads (too). ❤️
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