Goddess Minnie

  • Minnie dressed up as Songkran goddess for Songkran (aka water festival).

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    มินนี่ (G)I-DLE แปลงโฉมเป็นนางสงกรานต์มโหธรเทวี
    ดาราเกาหลี : มินนี่ (G)I-DLE แปลงโฉมเป็นนางสงกรานต์มโหธรเทวี

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  • Beautiful! But she has always been beautiful with a great voice and good skills re song writing.

    FYI to all - Songkran is actually Thai New Years and not just the water festival. The water festival is a part of the celebrations here and started from the water purification beliefs to start the new year anew etc. So it is more than a water festival for Thai people, like time to go home and spend with family, visit your elders, and Buddhist merit activities.

  • Beautiful! But she has always been beautiful with a great voice and good skills re song writing.

    FYI to all - Songkran is actually Thai New Years and not just the water festival. The water festival is a part of the celebrations here and started from the water purification beliefs to start the new year anew etc. So it is more than a water festival for Thai people, like time to go home and spend with family, visit your elders, and Buddhist merit activities.

    FYI, Songkran is not actually "Thai". The term "Songkran" derived from Sanskrit word "Sangkranti" meaning "transition" and, 14th April is the new year accordingly to Indo-European astrological calendar (the day the sun moves to Aries). "Tai" authentic new year based on Tai lunar calendar (ขึ้น ๑ ค่ำ เดือนอ้าย). The date may be set after the Indian but the way it is celebrated may not as there is nothing like songkran in India. (The Indian has "Holi", which is different.) There is no record, no hard evidence how the Siamese celebrated the new year before the coming of "songkran" yet, it can be inferred to include family reunion and a lot of booze.

    The concept of songkran goddess(es) likely is not authentically Thai also and borrowed from the Mon/Burmese.

  • On this note - Minnie has a new OST song. nice!

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