Most Streamed 4th Gen GGs on Spotify

  • My intention wasn't to be sexist. Just my observation, from male fans online and male kpop fans i see in person, typically G-idle songs don't get much of a reaction. G-idle doesn't seem special to me, because i don't find their music or aesthetic eye-catching or special. That thought is completely independent of the make-up of their fans. Those were two completely different thoughts.

    There are tons of popular groups that don't seem special to me. That has little to do with their fans being primarily male or female. Heck, most kpop groups are majority female fans, because its a very female dominated genre. IF i was gonna shit on every group with more female fans, there probably wouldnt be a single group i'd be able to like LOL.

    I regularly go to kpop club nights in my area, and there WAY, and i mean WAY fewer guys who attend than girls (easily 9-1), so the guys typically hangout and are pretty close. From my experience, Queencard comes on, and all the girls go crazy while the guys are just meh. I legit didn't even recognize the song at first. Just an observation, not saying women taste in kpop are less valid.

    bro probably dont hangout with the gays.

    Queencard is a sure fire hit with the demography

  • My intention wasn't to be sexist. Just my observation, from male fans online and male kpop fans i see in person, typically G-idle songs don't get much of a reaction. G-idle doesn't seem special to me, because i don't find their music or aesthetic eye-catching or special. That thought is completely independent of the make-up of their fans. Those were two completely different thoughts.

    There are tons of popular groups that don't seem special to me. That has little to do with their fans being primarily male or female. Heck, most kpop groups are majority female fans, because its a very female dominated genre. IF i was gonna shit on every group with more female fans, there probably wouldnt be a single group i'd be able to like LOL.

    I regularly go to kpop club nights in my area, and there WAY, and i mean WAY fewer guys who attend than girls (easily 9-1), so the guys typically hangout and are pretty close. From my experience, Queencard comes on, and all the girls go crazy while the guys are just meh. I legit didn't even recognize the song at first. Just an observation, not saying women taste in kpop are less valid.

    then put it in different paragraphs bruh, do you understand how this is easy to misinterpret bc you put the sentence about their women fans right next to them not being special?

    kpop may be dominant in female fans, but it often appears directly to men in sexualized outfits, videos, music about LOVING MEN! men are privileged as the receptor of kpop in many many cases

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