UMG to become distributor of physical & digital albums and tracks for HYBE Artist for 10 years

  • Their songs will be available on TikTok as long as the writers, producers, etc are not directly under UMG. That's why songs like Seven and SNTY were muted but not 3D and FRI(END)S that were produced and written by people under Sony.

    It has nothing to do with the writers, this deal is new and came into effect around Friends release and so Friends is not affected by it. Melanie Fontana is literally signed to UMG Publishing group and she is one of the writers on Friends, so your contention is false.Screenshot_20240327-152619_Chrome.jpg

  • the Starbucks incidents are dumb cause rhe chain in Korea is completely different than the USA one. And it's not the main one ss funding Isreal. People are using these boycotts to harras and attacks idol. They want to dogpile on people they don't like and say they are supporting a good cause. Thier are bigger fish to fry honestly. Pepsi coke etc

  • It has nothing to do with the writers, this deal is new and came into effect around Friends release and so Friends is not affected by it. Melanie Fontana is literally signed to UMG Publishing group and she is one of the writers on Friends, so your contention is false.Screenshot_20240327-152619_Chrome.jpg

    Interesting. Friends is credited to BH and Sony Music Publishing so I guess that's one way to get around it.

  • THIS 1000% also is why these boycotts are dumb and cancelling idols over drinking Starbucks is even dumber. Those idols are real people just like your own family and friends. They do not deserve any negative energy from you nor the mental harm of bullshit. Besides they are idols they entertain you that's it! They are not your elected officials nor the UN stop coming to them with your fuckin problems!

    This whole quote is insane

    What these millionaires do for u that u put the lives of actually people in war as nothing over them


  • Wut? The fact people can't comprehend anything and just focused one on thing is insane. These millionaires do nothing for me, and the people in wars are important. The point im making is people should focus 100% of their efforts on those responsible for these wars and those that can make it change. Telling a idol to kys because they drank a coffee isn't going to help anything, causing someone else trouble isn't going to help. Your favorite idols are entertainment nothing else. They are not your friends, lovers and definitely not the United nations an ambassador or an elected official of any country government. So bringing this to them isn't solving the issue. Focus those efforts on aid organizations and the leaders of your country thr people YOU elected and have power over. Not a random private citizen making music videos, especially a private citizen from a foreign country that has zero involvement in the issue period with entirely different cultures and national values and no ties to any of the warring parties

  • Yikes I just learned about Lucian Grainge and Diddy. First Bolloré and now this guy. Looks like UMG is truly that snakes nest!

    Edited 3 times, last by LCJK ().

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