Russia says 40 dead, 145 injured in concert hall raid; Islamic State group claims responsibility

  • Source…b4ad4df17b6cbd04a3250faa1

    OSCOW (AP) — Several assailants burst into a large concert hall in Moscow on Friday and sprayed the crowd with gunfire, killing at least 40 people, injuring more than 100 and setting fire to the venue in a brazen attack just days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on power in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide.

    The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement posted on affiliated channels on social media, which couldn’t be independently verified. It wasn’t immediately clear what happened to the attackers after the raid, which Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin described as a “huge tragedy” and state authorities were investigating as terrorism.

    The attack, which left the concert hall in flames with a collapsing roof, was the deadliest in Russia in years and came as the country’s war in Ukraine dragged into a third year.

    The Kremlin said that Putin was informed about the raid minutes after the assailants burst into the Crocus City Hall, a large music venue on Moscow’s western edge that can accommodate 6,200 people.

    The attack took place as crowds gathered for a performance by the Russian rock band Picnic. As Russia’s Federal Security Service reported 40 dead and over 100 injured, some Russian news reports suggested that more could have been trapped by the blaze that erupted after the assailants threw explosives. Health authorities released a list of 145 injured — 115 of them hospitalized, including five children.

  • Keep in mind ISIS mostly attacked Muslim majority countries and never Israel. Makes no sense for Islamic groups to attack Russia, which is siding with Palestine, unless they are secretly with Israel and want Russians to no longer support Palestinians

  • Keep in mind ISIS mostly attacked Muslim majority countries and never Israel. Makes no sense for Islamic groups to attack Russia, which is siding with Palestine, unless they are secretly with Israel and want Russians to no longer support Palestinians

    just as an FYI, check the latest VETO against peace in Palestine and who was behind it.

  • Meanwhile, twitter Muslims are fighting vs Starbucks...

    "You can troll on your main and we have plenty examples of that" (c) Ves


  • Keep in mind ISIS mostly attacked Muslim majority countries and never Israel. Makes no sense for Islamic groups to attack Russia, which is siding with Palestine, unless they are secretly with Israel and want Russians to no longer support Palestinians

    Wrong these people have a warped sense of r religion and see anything not their form of Islam as the enemy they want to wipe out everyone its our duty to wipe them off the face of the earth for good. Now we wait for Russia to take the kid gloves off and go blow up some isis bases overseas join America in ridding the world of this crap for good.

  • Keep in mind ISIS mostly attacked Muslim majority countries and never Israel. Makes no sense for Islamic groups to attack Russia, which is siding with Palestine, unless they are secretly with Israel and want Russians to no longer support Palestinians


  • Keep in mind ISIS mostly attacked Muslim majority countries and never Israel. Makes no sense for Islamic groups to attack Russia, which is siding with Palestine, unless they are secretly with Israel and want Russians to no longer support Palestinians

    This is a lie. ISIS has attacked Israel before and attacked USA multiple times (which is an Israel ally).

    If we are really gonna go decide who is ISIS based on the countries it has never attacked, East Asia should be considered as ISIS first.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • It wasn’t an immediate cease fire, which is what Russia and China are supporting. The US resolution basically gave Israel carte blanche to do whatever they want with Palestinians until Hamas returns the hostages.…fire-resolution-explainer

    Easy fix the USA should pressure Qatar to kick out the Hamas leaders that living in luxury and peace. Let them be subject to the hunt of Israel America and Russia and watch how fast they turn th hostages over and end the war and agree to sustainable peace. Stop negotiating with these people tell them to cooperate or get nuked. Suddenly terrorism ends in 30s

  • It wasn’t an immediate cease fire, which is what Russia and China are supporting. The US resolution basically gave Israel carte blanche to do whatever they want with Palestinians until Hamas returns the hostages.…fire-resolution-explainer

    And now there is no cease fire and it's still continuing.

    Also, let's not pretend as if Russia has not had its share of conflicts with Muslim groups and entities.

    The US warned Russia for this attack, but Putin dismissed those warnings:

    Putin dismissed US warnings about a potential terror incident as 'blackmail' just 3 days before concert hall attack
    The US embassy in Russia issued a security alert earlier this month warning that a possible terror attack was imminent.

  • Russia has used and fought against Islamic terrorists, as did the USA. But the timing is off because it is Israel that is committing atrocities against the Palestinian people now. Why would Islamic terror networks waste time and energy against Russian people instead of Israel and their proxies or siding with Hamas, PLO and Hezbollah. So this does not appear an act of religious ideology so much as Islamic mercenaries hired by others, as one of the detained suspects said. But this act only benefits Israel because Israel is always pushing the narrative that Muslims are terrorists.

    Suspect admits shooting people at Moscow's concert venue for money
    The suspect admits that his handlers had instructed him to eliminate all individuals present at the concert venue.

  • Russia has used and fought against Islamic terrorists, as did the USA. But the timing is off because it is Israel that is committing atrocities against the Palestinian people now. Why would Islamic terror networks waste time and energy against Russian people instead of Israel and their proxies or siding with Hamas, PLO and Hezbollah. So this does not appear an act of religious ideology so much as Islamic mercenaries hired by others, as one of the detained suspects said. But this act only benefits Israel because Israel is always pushing the narrative that Muslims are terrorists.…oscow-s-concert-venue-for

    You do know that there are way more conflicts than just Palestine and have been for a long time?

    The US warned for an attack. Putin dismissed it. Putin looks a fool, so he now tries to tie it to Ukraine to not be utterly hated for dismissing those concerns.

    If this was a plan of the US and/or Israel, it's not very smart of them to warn the Russians, hmm?

    And a man admitting something under Russian interrogation, then captured via the very biased Rossiya Segodnya and his story is already changing: yeah let's not question any of that and take it at face value. :

  • You do know that there are way more conflicts than just Palestine and have been for a long time?

    The US warned for an attack. Putin dismissed it. Putin looks a fool, so he now tries to tie it to Ukraine to not be utterly hated for dismissing those concerns.

    If this was a plan of the US and/or Israel, it's not very smart of them to warn the Russians, hmm?

    And a man admitting something under Russian interrogation, then captured via the very biased Rossiya Segodnya and his story is already changing: yeah let's not question any of that and take it at face value. :

    If Israel or their proxies hired Islamic mercenaries for this attack, it only makes sense they would tell their US allies and have them give a vague warning to Russia to make it look like an organic Islamic plan. It's absolutely true the Russian government and military can't be trusted, and same can be said about the Israeli and American governments. What should be be looked at is who benefits. Muslims are not benefitting, Palestinians are not benefitting, Ukrainians are not benefitting because it could give Putin an excuse against them. It's only Israel that benefits from this attack.

  • If Israel or their proxies hired Islamic mercenaries for this attack, it only makes sense they would tell their US allies and have them give a vague warning to Russia to make it look like an organic Islamic plan. It's absolutely true the Russian government and military can't be trusted, and same can be said about the Israeli and American governments. What should be be looked at is who benefits. Muslims are not benefitting, Palestinians are not benefitting, Ukrainians are not benefitting because it could give Putin an excuse against them. It's only Israel that benefits from this attack.

    Muslims in general is not IS. IS has commited crimes against Muslims that don't do what they want either.

    They have their own perverse goals that often don't align with general Muslim people.

    It makes no sense for the US to warn Russia so they could have prevented this if it was part of some conspiracy.

    Clearly it's not 'only Israel' that benefits, since the useful idiots (as Russians love to call Westerners who fall for their propaganda) are spewing conspiracy theories everywhere.

  • Useful tools indeed.

    Israel doesn't think anything about harming and starving Palestinian children, how much less to hire mercenaries to make public opinion turn worse against Muslims.

  • I knew there will be people who will link this to Israel and Palestine, as if this is the only conflicts going on in the world right now.

    The conspiracies have already started.

    My condolences to all the families who have lost their loved ones. It’s so sad and devastating. People shouldn’t go to concerts or events fearing to be killed by sick individuals.

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