it's really stupid when fans consider fanservice as a sign of being "gay".

  • A lot of female idols that do fanservice get called gay and then get a lot of flack for dating men for example Jihyo, Momo, Hani and now Karina, people convince themselves they know these idols and feel betrayed when they aren't what they imagined. Literally anybody outside that parasocial bubble can see that it’s just fanservice. calling being affectionate towards your friend fan service is also low key weird. most idols don't really do anything I haven't seen in real life except for a few cases. Karina does sometime play along during fan signs but for the most part I never saw her actions as overly excessive. she just seems really friendly. kfans really need reality check. People need to stop putting their fantasies on these idols and be reminded that they do not know them in real life

  • A lot of female idols that do fanservice get called gay and then get a lot of flack for dating men for example Jihyo, Momo, Hani and now Karina, people convince themselves they know these idols and feel betrayed when they aren't what they imagined. Literally anybody outside that parasocial bubble can see that it’s just fanservice. calling being affectionate towards your friend fan service is also low key weird. most idols don't really do anything I haven't seen in real life except for a few cases. Karina does sometime play along during fan signs but for the most part I never saw her actions as overly excessive. she just seems really friendly. kfans really need reality check. People need to stop putting their fantasies on these idols and be reminded that they do not know them in real life

    Finally! Thank you for addressing this! 100% agree with everything you said!! Thank you!! 🙂

  • I honestly think kpop fans can't tell the difference between what's real and what's not. So many fans call their fav idol gay or bi or whatever, when it's all fan service. Fans are more crazy than I thought.

  • Sooner or later when k pop fans don't have things their way will call the protest trucks and damage their Idol's reputation. Either that or spread a false rumor about them. I'm really getting tired of fans thinking they own the Idol when in reality their Idol don't even know they exist. 😆😆

  • I completely agree. It's getting ridiculous and yet people especially on twitter get mad at you and call you 'homophobic' if you voice out an opinion that their delusional asses technically do not agree with or can't accept the fact that what the idols are doing is just part of fanservice.

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