This is still the riskiest/cleanest move in girl group choreo history

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    True 3rd gen girl group connoisseurs probably knew what move this was going to be :pepe-toast:

    I also completely forgot GFriend and Twice covered each other's songs, and Twice actually kept the leapfrog choreo in:

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    Not bad ;judgingpepe:

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    Also a good reminder of just how big GFriend was at their apex. You just had to be there.

  • lol newbies... that is nothing compared to this

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  • I miss GFRIEND.

    Their early to mid run from Me Gusta Tu through Love Whisper stands as one of my most fond times in kpop.

    And one of the most exciting.

    When an obscure group of meager origin rose to capture a national character in their appeal to nationalistic themes, youthful nostalgia and a certain quiet excellence. There was a moment during early 3rd gen when it seemed like GFRIEND might have become the Nation's Girl Group. And this moment in the sun will be remembered as one of kpop's most exciting Cinderella stories.

    Their National Hit Rough remains a high point in kpop canon. And is to this day on my shortlist of top songs in all of kpop and one very close to my heart.

    GFRIEND was such special group.

    Edited 2 times, last by emanresu ().

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