Why i should respect religions based in Gods that are not better than me? In fact, they are worse.

  • I mean, if i had the power of Gods like Jehova, Ala, Shiva, etc etc, i would alleviate the suffering in the world. For sure, i can tell any good person would to the same, only bad people would do nothing. So, or this gods are not real or dont care. Then, why i should respect this religions, why should you?

  • NmiXXSupremacist

    Changed the title of the thread from “Why i should respect religions based in Gods that are not better than me?” to “Why i should respect religions based in Gods that are not better than me? In fact, they are worse.”.
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    Oh my baby sweet like bubble gum!


  • I mean, if i had the power of Gods like Jehova, Ala, Shiva, etc etc, i would alleviate the suffering in the world. For sure, i can tell any god person would to the same, only bad people would do nothing. So, or this gods are not real or dont care. Then, why i should respects this religions, why should you?

    Because otherwise there's no reason to enslave women

    "You can troll on your main and we have plenty examples of that" (c) Ves


  • I mean, if i had the power of Gods like Jehova, Ala, Shiva, etc etc, i would alleviate the suffering in the world. For sure, i can tell any good person would to the same, only bad people would do nothing. So, or this gods are not real or dont care. Then, why i should respect this religions, why should you?

    Feel the same way. Because logically the whole thing makes no sense. If I'm all powerful and all knowing. Then why would i need to test my people? Im all knowing regardless of free will it's basically an illusion because I know 100% what you'd decide to do even before you were created. Example i know you would be the first person to make fire regardless anything else, the. Why am i testing to see if you are going to do it?

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