At what age it should be safe to stan kpop groups/idols?
People should stan kpop groups only after past 60 when they retire.
After 18 then they are adult.
Groups like the Backstreet Boys had mostly teenage fans in the 1990s and with teenage it was even mostly under 16 year olds. Still being a boy group fan after the age of 15 was considered childish here.
Kpop fandom seems to be more diverse age-wise, but there will still be a large part that is under 18.
I think stanning artists is a normal part of teenage life.
At least Kpop artists, lyrics and MVs are usually far less provocative than American ones.
That’s for their parents to control if need be. The world doesn’t revolve around children. There’s always adult media around. What a stupid question to ask lol.
maybe OP doesn't see any children around (maybe that's for the best). but many kids are getting parented by an iPad for much of their waking hours. even if it's not SCARY KPOP, that kid is getting exposed to something if the parents aren't in control
It should have a certain age threshold but again, every KPop agency tries to target every age bracket possible.
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