Hi there I'm unsure if this post will do good here but I was curious if anyone remembers this fantasy - modern Chinese Drama.
What I remember from the show:
The drama starts/sometime in the beginning with this teenage boy and this smaller stern younger child who he eventually caves in to and allows him to buy large amount of comics for basically nothing. The store is decently small.
The teenager also owns rent, but when the male landlord enters he takes one of these types of things on his face and pretends to 'hide' from him when awkwardly trying to leave the store.
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Throughout the show, I believe a car crash happened and there was a box of comics that was the cause of it/surrounding the boy.
He also became a spirit or something, having to work with this other guy to stop evil demons. One of these demons was a girl who passed away for a negative reason, I think one was an old grandma to.
Eventually the boy and the other guy who he works for eventually takes him to his house where he meets other people who work in the same field as the guy he met. Eventually convincing him to work with him and his powers get better over time.
I remember watching it maybe two or one year ago, I wanna say it was a Mandarin Drama cause it was around the same time I was looking at C Pop and Produce Camp/ Produce 101 in China.
Sorry that's all I can remember, if anyone happens to know what I'm talking about thanks so much in advance, if not no worries and have a good week! ✌🏻