1. Welcome to my world 2. Salty & sweet 3. Spicy 4. I'm Unhappy 5. Til We Meet Again 6. Thirsty
May 8th 2023 #1 1. Welcome to my world2. Salty & sweet3. Spicy4. I'm Unhappy5. Til We Meet Again6. Thirsty
May 8th 2023 #2 Excuse me? Is this your ranking or just the songs in no order because no way Thirsty is that low.
May 9th 2023 #4 I haven't fully listened to the album yet, maybe later on when I got home.One thing for sure is WTMW will be on the top.
May 9th 2023 #6 1. Welcome to my world2. I'm Unhappy3. Thirsty4. Salty & sweet5. Til We Meet Again6. Spicy
May 9th 2023 #8 For me1. Spicy2. Salty and sweet3. Welcome to my worldThe other 3 songs are not my type of songs, tho they are not bad at all